Nope, never had any desire to even try. Was very glad when my parents finally quit. Hubby was a smoker when we met but I laid down the law quickly - no smoking in the car or the house - winter was pretty cold to stand out side (we got together in Feb) so he soon quit ... at least buying them, lol tells me when he is really stressed he gets one from someone at work on break.
Live, Love, Laugh - Life is short so enjoy today!
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader
Angel to Charline (New Maryland) & Chrissy
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader

Do you smoke monagray? Are you worried about being able to quit? I smoked for more than 30 years. I was up to 2 packs a day in the end. I quit by using Nicoderm. Only Nicoderm. I tried life brand and habitol but did not find they helped. The only thing that worked for me was Nicoderm and keeping my hands busy. I knit blankets for my cats. It took 5 weeks. I did occasionally take a puff or two first thing I the mornung for the first couple of weeks. A puf or two not a whole cigarette. Unfortunately I gained 60 pounds after I quit and still haven't lost it. But that's unusual I just was not able to get any exercise due to my back problems. Didn't mean to scare you but I am always honest. I thought quitting would be harder than it was because I had tried a few times before and always ended up smoking again. I really have to say the cure was Nicoderm.