New +Getting to know you?
1- What "toy" are you hoping for this Christmas?
2- What is your favorite winter fun? (even if you can't participate right now)
3-Is your Xmas tree up? (If it is I may have to hate you!)
4- Do you still live in the town that you grew up in? If not would you ever move back?
5- Did you marry your high school sweetheart?
6-What do you do to reduce stress? Non- food answers!!!
My answers=
- I am hoping for a GPS so I can try Geocashing. Besides it is a gadget and I am the gadget & I am the gadget queen!
2- I love to make snow forts and tunnells with my kids. I rally need some grand babies!
3- Sort of.... It is mostly done....I am just not satisfied yet....
4-No. i grew up in Richibucto. I would love to move back to the area, but hubby is a Moncton boy and I would be happy to get that close. I have a summer home in Rexton and it is a little bit of heaven. Unfortunately, I am almost surrounded with year round homes. As long as they don't decide that it is an eye sore next to their new homes and try to have me tear it down......... You are all invited to visit and stay with me there.
5-I am married to my university sweetheart.
6- I do the deep breathing stuff. I close my eyes and magine that the air is a wind that whirls through my body, down to my stomach, and up through my head, gathering dtress like dust and I blow the stress out through my pursed lips. I also imagine myself naping on a lawn swing on a warm summer day at my cottage.
1. I want guitar hero for my nintendo ds (and since I bought it, I am sure to get it

2. Winter (curse that it is) fun, I like maing snowmen and pre-shaping snowballs to throw at my father.
3. No tree yet. I am allergic so the tree doesn't go up until after the 15th...less time for me to be sneezy.
4. I have lived just outside of Fredericton my whole life...I like to visit other places, but I am happy to be where I am.
5. Marry??? What is this strange word? I plan to be the local crazy cat lady of my neighbourhood.
6. I like to picture a calming lake to de-stress. Also like to sing (that's what I call it anyway) showtunes (like WICKED or PHANTOM) loudly. Works great for me...of course then others may need to de-stress from me.
2. I have always dreamed of going skiing. I have never felt "thin" enough to do it...but one day...skiing will be winter fun...yay
3. Tree is up...and lit...I am a Christmas,love, love it.
4. Grew up in Saint John, now live in Oromocto...would consider moving back if the opportunity presented itself.
5.Did not marry my high school sweetheart...either time...LOL
6. I listen to music...that is my solice
1. I'd love to have a wii but cash can't justify it.
2. Going to a nice walk with the kids and dog.
3. Nope, keeping that job for mother-in-law who is arriving next weekend. muahahaha!
4. Grew up in Richibucto-Village, live in Richibucto about 10 minutes away so I think it's close enough...but I haven't always lived here, just got back 4 years ago.
5. Married my internet sweetheart. Been married to him for 8 years. Most wonderful man I could ever have wished for!
6. Haven't really found an outlet that works...that's what the pills are for! lol
2- What is your favorite winter fun? (even if you can't participate right now) I hate winter - winter fun for me is a Caribbean cruise which I will be taking in Feb/Mar.
3-Is your Xmas tree up? (If it is I may have to hate you!) - Hate me all you want - its up, its lit and I am enjoying it very much - so is hubby. I made sure it was up before the surgery.
4- Do you still live in the town that you grew up in? If not would you ever move back? - I live in the town where I was born and only 10 minutes from where I grew up.
5- Did you marry your high school sweetheart? - I sure did. We had our first date when I was 15 and he was 18. That was 40 years ago. Yup I am too old for RNY but not to old to still love the man of my dreams.
6-What do you do to reduce stress? Non- food answers!!! - I visualize being on a cruise ship, by the pool, sun beaming down, hubby next to me. That is the most blissful stress reliever I know. But mostly just spending time with my kids and grandkids is all I need to get my head out of stressville.
This is going to sound weird- but i can't think of anything I want for christmas. Everyone has been asking what i want, and I can't think of anything.
2- What is your favorite winter fun? (even if you can't participate right now)
I love to ice skate and use to iceskate all the time. I can't wait till I can again.
3-Is your Xmas tree up? (If it is I may have to hate you!)
No tree this year. We don't have children and the cats will eat it up.
4- Do you still live in the town that you grew up in? If not would you ever move back?
NO. I live in Moncton and I absolutely belong here. I've been here for 7 years and i would never go back to Cap-Pele. I'll visit but that's it. I'm a city Girl.
5- Did you marry your high school sweetheart?
I'm not yet married- but yes. I'm engaged to my best friend, then we were roomates, and then we feel in love. It's a movie script- I swear to god
6-What do you do to reduce stress? Non- food answers!!!
I write in my Journal.
1- What "toy" are you hoping for this Christmas?
I was hoping for Wii and Wii Fit but I was told that ain't gonna happen !!!! so now I want stuff for my new embroidery machine !
2- What is your favorite winter fun? (even if you can't participate right now). Sitting in our den in front of the wood stove. I'm not much into outdoor winter stuff.
3-Is your Xmas tree up? (If it is I may have to hate you!) Up, but not decorated !
4- Do you still live in the town that you grew up in? If not would you ever move back? I live in Dartmouth which is right next to Halifax where I was born and raised. I'd go back tomorrow if I could afford it.
5- Did you marry your high school sweetheart? Nope. But he is a sweetheart !
6-What do you do to reduce stress? Non- food answers!!! sew in one form or another. either quilt, embroidery, or something similar.

362/305/250.6/160 (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
1- What "toy" are you hoping for this Christmas?-- A Tassimo I can make my own expresso;s whenevahhh I want:)
2- What is your favorite winter fun? (even if you can't participate right now)--I love to go sliding, and we used to cross country ski when I was a kid..I loved it.
3-Is your Xmas tree up? (If it is I may have to hate you!)-- no not yet..probably Sunday. We have wood heat and it just plays havoc with a real tree. Not so safe to have it up too long.
4- Do you still live in the town that you grew up in? If not would you ever move back? -- No I don't, but yes I'd love to move back. I grew up in the village of Gagetown.
5- Did you marry your high school sweetheart? -- I sure did. Mike and I started going together in Grade 12 and we have been married for 22 years.
6-What do you do to reduce stress? Non- food answers!!! -- I hide from the children in my bedroom with a good book...NO KIDS ALLOWED! :)