I have a date with Dr B......but only to sign papers! LOL

WOOO HOOOO YAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! I am doing a happy dance for you Charline!!!

You are on your way. And right behind me I do believe. Now its going to go so fast, you wont believe it. I wonder what caused those 3 people to cancel. I won't be cancelling. I am ready, I am right in my head, I am content and I am certain that this is the best thing for me. And I know you will do just wonderfully well too. Now he may want you to start Optifast ASAP so make sure Rinette orders it for you if he wants that. You can jump start the process by maybe doing Slimfast 2 times a day and a sensible supper. That would help you lose weight and start shrinking your liver a bit. Oh I am so happy for you. You have waited such a long time and now you are on your way. Here we go Charline, hand in hand, here we go.

YAY!!!! Great news! time will fly right by. it's a bit intimidating I found in the paper signing...he goes over every detail and possible outcome...but i was convinced I was doing the right thing so I had no second thoughts or doubts !!! yay,, yay,,,yay ...

362/305/250.6/160 (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs