First Week of Optifast Down
Opps now how did that happen? I didn`t mean to put up an empty post.
However, my first week on Optifast is done. Tomorrow I begin week 2. Tomorrow I also go for my last visit with Lise before surgery which is a week from tomorrow. Oh my gosh I can`t believe I typed that. Next week. 1 week from tomorrow. It is like I am dreaming. I have waited so long for this.
I have to admit that a couple of days I only had 3 shakes. Not because I don`t like them. I am fine with them but because I just was not hungry. I just didn`t want to drink one. I just did not feel the need for that 4th shake. I know, Bad Girl, but if I had forced myself to drink another shake I would have been nauseous and I didn`t want to go there. I will talk to Lise about that tomorrow.
I didn`t weigh myself today so I have no idea how much I am down but Lise will weigh me tomorrow and I will let you know. I have been fairly physically active so that is helping I am sure. Swimming 3 times a week and trying to use the treadmill as often as I can. Today at the pool my friend who swims with me noticed that I have lost weight and she said it is most noticible around my middle. I feel a bit sleepy though sometimes and I think that is because I missed those 2 shakes and I must be needing the nutrition even though I don`t feel like having it.
I am just taking it one day at a time, one shake at a time and that is the only way to do it in my estimation. I am NOT loving it, but I am loving myself for doing it and staying strong and not giving into temptation. A friend at work offered me food to day, I said no thanks and took a drink of water. And my husband, bless him is eating in another room so as not to tempt me.
I will let you know how tomorrow`s hospital visit goes.
However, my first week on Optifast is done. Tomorrow I begin week 2. Tomorrow I also go for my last visit with Lise before surgery which is a week from tomorrow. Oh my gosh I can`t believe I typed that. Next week. 1 week from tomorrow. It is like I am dreaming. I have waited so long for this.
I have to admit that a couple of days I only had 3 shakes. Not because I don`t like them. I am fine with them but because I just was not hungry. I just didn`t want to drink one. I just did not feel the need for that 4th shake. I know, Bad Girl, but if I had forced myself to drink another shake I would have been nauseous and I didn`t want to go there. I will talk to Lise about that tomorrow.
I didn`t weigh myself today so I have no idea how much I am down but Lise will weigh me tomorrow and I will let you know. I have been fairly physically active so that is helping I am sure. Swimming 3 times a week and trying to use the treadmill as often as I can. Today at the pool my friend who swims with me noticed that I have lost weight and she said it is most noticible around my middle. I feel a bit sleepy though sometimes and I think that is because I missed those 2 shakes and I must be needing the nutrition even though I don`t feel like having it.
I am just taking it one day at a time, one shake at a time and that is the only way to do it in my estimation. I am NOT loving it, but I am loving myself for doing it and staying strong and not giving into temptation. A friend at work offered me food to day, I said no thanks and took a drink of water. And my husband, bless him is eating in another room so as not to tempt me.
I will let you know how tomorrow`s hospital visit goes.
CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!! woo hoo ! I knew you could do it. it's so awesome that you are so close to your surgery date ! this week will go so fast. did you get all your shopping and decorating done? I am so anxious to get a fill. maybe put in a good word for me tomorrow with Lise !!!!!

362/305/250.6/160 (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
Thanks Patsy,
Your encouragement means so much to me. I will mention to Lise that we have been in touch and that you are eager for a fill. I am nervous and I don't know why. I have done it all to the letter and my weight is down so it should be pretty routine today. However, it is my last visit pre surgery and I have a little list of questions for Lise and I want to make sure I have asked and discussed everything I can possibly think of.
I will post a report as soon as I get home. I am hoping to do a little bit of shopping after my visit with Lise and then I want to drop by to see my sons and my grandchildren before heading home. I have been doing well getting all my purchases made for Christmas and I plan on putting the tree up this weekend. No major Christmas cooking this year ha ha but maybe once I am feeling better after surgery I will make some Christmas cookies for my sons. I always give them each a tin of their favourite kind of cookies and if at all possible I want to be able to do that again this year. My husband said he would help if I was not totally up to the task. He is such a sweety.
I will be in touch.
Your encouragement means so much to me. I will mention to Lise that we have been in touch and that you are eager for a fill. I am nervous and I don't know why. I have done it all to the letter and my weight is down so it should be pretty routine today. However, it is my last visit pre surgery and I have a little list of questions for Lise and I want to make sure I have asked and discussed everything I can possibly think of.
I will post a report as soon as I get home. I am hoping to do a little bit of shopping after my visit with Lise and then I want to drop by to see my sons and my grandchildren before heading home. I have been doing well getting all my purchases made for Christmas and I plan on putting the tree up this weekend. No major Christmas cooking this year ha ha but maybe once I am feeling better after surgery I will make some Christmas cookies for my sons. I always give them each a tin of their favourite kind of cookies and if at all possible I want to be able to do that again this year. My husband said he would help if I was not totally up to the task. He is such a sweety.
I will be in touch.
I know as much as the doctor? Not nearly. But my research is sound. However all today amounted to was blood pressure - 122 over 68, oxygen levels - I breathe pretty good I guess, temperature - normal, weight- down 5 on theirs 8 on mine, a review of meds - nothing has changed, pulse - my heart was beating. My BMI has gone from 49.5 to 47.5 from the first consult so that is a good thing - not that over 47 is a good thing but it is going down and that is the thing I am happy with. Lise answered a couple of my questions regarding some things I was having issues with. Firstly, it is okay for me to put a little bit of Fiber Source or Benefiber in every other Optifast shake - I was having issues if you can only imagine(I know TMI again, I know but someone may need to know this at some point). She also said I can have some warm/ho****er with lemon in the morning because I am missing a hot drink in the am. And I asked her about a goal weight and she said that Dr. Beau will set that for me probably either on the day of surgery or when I get my staples out she was not sure just when. However at this point I am not so much interested in a goal weight as I am in just a lower BMI so I can live a longer life. I have a rough idea where I should be but I will wait to see what the doctor says. So I am good to go I guess. One week from today - Tuesday Dec 2 (so long as I don't catch a cold between now and then) I have to show up at the Georges Dumont at 5:30 a.m. for my surgery. OMG OMG OMG!!!!!
The bonus was I had taken the whold day off and I managed to do a great deal of shopping. I am nearly done. Woo hoo. A few more things between now and the weekend when I plan to put the tree up and then Christmas can happen and if I am not up to speed it won't matter. I have been totally paranoid about catching a cold. I would not use anyone else's pen when I had to sign anything today in the stores when shopping. I used my own pen and kept using a hand sanitizer as much as I could. I took a couple of pouches with me and some water and some icecubes in a thermos and I sat in the parking lot at the hospital and had my lunch and then went to my son's for my supper shake. It was a great day and now I am beat. It is nearly 10 p.m. and I think I shall call it a day.
The bonus was I had taken the whold day off and I managed to do a great deal of shopping. I am nearly done. Woo hoo. A few more things between now and the weekend when I plan to put the tree up and then Christmas can happen and if I am not up to speed it won't matter. I have been totally paranoid about catching a cold. I would not use anyone else's pen when I had to sign anything today in the stores when shopping. I used my own pen and kept using a hand sanitizer as much as I could. I took a couple of pouches with me and some water and some icecubes in a thermos and I sat in the parking lot at the hospital and had my lunch and then went to my son's for my supper shake. It was a great day and now I am beat. It is nearly 10 p.m. and I think I shall call it a day.
Oh gee thanks I never thought of doorknobs ha ha. I have an antibacterial wipe that I am gonna use on my phone at work because I was out of the office yesterday and other people would have used my phone. I just need to be germ free for a few more days. I may need to see a shrink for all this OCD behaviour. Ha ha.
Don't laugh, I did get a cold 2 weeks before my surgery and worked hard to get rid of it. When I went for my pre op visit a week before surgery, the first thing lise said to me was "do yuo have a cold?" . I said I did have one but it's almost gone. she doesn't miss a trick. I was so nervous that I would be postponed but it all worked out. so take it very seriously and be very cautious. You are doing all the right things. Keep up the great work.
p.s. i said to Jay last night, can you believe it's almost 5 weeks since I had my surgery? Time flies I tell you. It's here and then it's gone. it seems like a week ago.
p.s. i said to Jay last night, can you believe it's almost 5 weeks since I had my surgery? Time flies I tell you. It's here and then it's gone. it seems like a week ago.

362/305/250.6/160 (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
Yes, do take extra care as the cough/cold bug thst is floating around this year can knock you out for weeks! I am starting to feel better but still coughing some. Glad I didn't just have my surgery beforehand or would have lost some stitches for sure.
So drink those shakes and don't accept any kisses from strangers! lol
So drink those shakes and don't accept any kisses from strangers! lol
Live, Love, Laugh - Life is short so enjoy today!
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader
Angel to Charline (New Maryland) & Chrissy
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader