Getting a Second Opinion on what Surgery is best for you?

on 11/21/08 4:14 pm, edited 11/21/08 4:51 pm - Fredericton, Canada
When I was doing my surgery research back in 2006 I got medical opinions from 3 WLS surgeons. All three of these did the Band, RNY, and DS.

2 said the DS was the right surgery for me and 1 said that because of my huge hiatus hernia the DS would not be a good one. He said I would still have acid problems.  

Well, I went with the DS after doing a ton more research.   And, Surgeon number 3 was wrong.  I have never had any problems what so ever with acid.  In fact, in my research I don't see many DSers complaining about this.   So, had I just gone to number 3....I would of had a different surgery.

So, for me a second opinion actually was quite important. 

I wonder if any see the below as two possible options...if me to understand why.

1.  Visit both Surgeons.  Get feedback from both.  If they agree, Bob's your uncle.  If they differ, it would help with future success to try to understand why.

or 2. Email others (the top guys you see mentioned on the DS sites): I know for Michelle I suggested she email other surgeons and send her medical historoy and eating habits and get some opinions that way. 

This emailing might sound strange to you in NB...but for WLS....Many Doctors have standard questions they want to hear about, your weight history, medical history and eating habits being the two most important.  And therefore they actually have forms to fill out and can give you a fairly honest opinion based on your feedback on the forms.

So...consider  this ....if a Dr. said your mother/father/sister/brother/loved one needed a surgery which would affect the rest of her would want a second opinion.

So..with your WLS....and for yourself...I don't see many if any getting second opinions...just curious about this.    Please don't feel I am criticizing anyone or any Dr......just getting the idea out there as food for thought...I found the other opinions to be very satisfying in my research and my resolve in the direction I want.

Take Care,

DS Surgery June 2006,  Been fine every since.  Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.

on 11/21/08 8:07 pm - Canada
What an interesting post! 

I think there are a few reasons why people have not gone for second opinions; particularly the people on this site.  In my particular case its like this.  Until recently there was only one doctor doing WLS procedures in New Brunswick.  Many people like myself can't afford the added cost to travel outside the province nor can they afford to pay for the procedure in another province.  New Brunswick medicare has been covering the cost of the entire procedure for New Brunswick residents since February, I believe and so people are just taking the opinion of Dr. Beau and running with it.  After all the price is right with the province paying the shot for surgeries on people living in the province who meet the criteria.  I know that could lead to some unfortunate situations but I don't believe Dr. Beau is the kind of doctor to start running a "provincially funded surgery mill".  He is just not that kind of doctor.  I like him very much.  He comes across as kind, caring, and very very professional. 

Although a second and third opinion would be wonderful in an ideal situation many of us were not in the position financially or logistically to seek those opinions.  Personally, I did ask a doctor who posts on this site, about his opinion regarding surgery for me given a pre-existing condition and he said he would not recommend Lap Band but instead would recommend a bypass of some kind.  Howver Dr. Beau felt he could do the procedure on me providing he did a gastroscopy and took some biopsys.  He did so and based on the results he has decided to proceed feeling that this surgery will actually help my condition. 

All that being said, IF I had been financially able, and IF I could have travelled outside the province, I certainly would have liked to have a second and third opinion.  I was never interested in the RNY or the DS really.  I had initially talked about the Lap Band with my family doctor and so when I found out that I was too old by Dr. Beau's standards for bypass, well I was kind of relieved.  I don't think I would have wanted to have to decide between all the available types. 

I am just grateful that the province has started covering the cost of surgery because if not I was prepared to go into debt to get the surgery.  I don't know if that would have been wise but it was my only option.  I had managed to save some money for the procedure but not nearly enough when I found out that the province had changed its policy, I sure did a happy dance.  If I had not been able to come up with the funds for the surgery - well I guess I would have tried to manage living as a morbidly obese person and tried dieting again, and again, and again - until I eventually died from complications to obesity.  Because lets face it - if I could have ever ever been successful at dieting and keeping it off I would not have opted to have surgery. 

I did however, in lieu of a second opinion,  do huge amounts of research on all the types of surgery.  I used the internet of course but I also purchased a number of books and read a lot of studies and statistics and compared myself to the people in these studies and to those who posted online.  I went to see Dr. Beau knowing as much as I could possibly know.  There wasn't much that he told me that I didn't already know and understand.  I was knowledgable about the surgery, the after care, the long term statistics, the pitfalls, etc.  He commented on my knowledge base in fact.  So I felt prepared to see this doctor.  I also researched Dr. Beau.  My family doctor checked him out for me and I checked out this site and a couple of others to read testimonials from some of his patients.  I felt totally prepared to see him.  I made sure I wrote down all my questions and I took lots of notes. 

So in an ideal situation - get as many opinions as you can - in my reality, I did as much leg work as I could and now I have to trust Dr. Beau, knowing that he has trained with one of the best in Canada and hoping that he will give me his best. 

Sorry if this is a long post but I did want to share my opinion on this very interesting topic.  Thanks for reading.

on 11/21/08 9:46 pm - New Maryland, Canada
I would love a first opinion!  I have always wanted the band, but as the time for surgery approaches, I find it disconcerting that njo one has asked me about my eating habits, preferences etc. I would like to know if the band is the best choice, not just my only choice.  I would like a medical opinion.


on 11/22/08 3:08 am - NB, Canada, Canada

Let me second the importance of research, research, research.

When I was first told by Catherine about her wls I was amazed because to me at that time it seemed like admitting defeat.  I really had to wrap my head around the fact that is was simply a tool to help the process and you still needed to work or be responsible for your own weight loss.

Very shortly after that my husbands friend had gastric bypass surgery and I saw the weight come off but, imo, he abused his chance and will likely gain alot of the weight back (thinks he had a rny but not sure when you ask him).

Little over a year ago I spoke with my family doctor about my options (after trying WW again with little success) and was put on the waiting list for Dr B.  I am still on that waiting list and if I receive a call for a consult I likely will still go to meet him and hear what he has to say. 

Also near a year ago I joined OH and began reading, reading and reading.  Clicked on every link to research the facts on all the procedures - the good, bad and the ugly in terms of the actual surgery and life consequences.  Whenever Catherine would talk about her procedure she would say the name so fast (and yes I do have hearing issues) I really didn't know what she had - only that it was not offered here and was the most extreme for best results.

After doing months of research my first choice became the Duodenal Switch because I only wanted 1 surgery, to have the best chance of losing my weight and enjoying my life.  The rewards out weighed the risks and I was willing to be responsible for vitamins and protein (please pass me more cheese!!)

Imagine my surprise when at the first support group meeting and I mentioned that my first choice would be the DS and Catherine said that was what she had, lol - great minds think alike!  Of course at that time it was still not being offered here so I planned on having a RnY.

I spoke with Dr B's office a few time - trying to be the squeaky wheel to move up the list faster.  Then heard about the new Dr S in town.  I was a little leary at first but decided that being on another list would just give me another option.  When I received a consult date from Dr S so quickly I had the receptionist actually go ask him first if he preformed the DS so I wouldn't make the long drive to Bathurst in vain since I lived in Moncton where Dr B has his practise.

One of the main reasons I sought out Dr S (besides a shorter wait list) was because on one of the calls to Dr B's office I spoke to his nurse to confirm which procedures he provides - lapband and rny.  She informed me that Dr B makes the decision on what wls he will perform on the person.  That did not sit well with me.  Many times in my life I have allowed others to make major decisions and I have regretted not standing up for myself.  I have decided that although I welcome information, opinions etc, this decision is mine to make and live with for the rest of my life.

With that being said I am still on Dr B's waiting list and if he called for a consult I would still go just to see what his opinion would be - would he try to convince me in a different procedure or support my decision for the DS and wish me luck.  I have also emailed to an European doctor as per Catherine's suggestion but never heard back (unless it went to my spam folder which I simply delete without checking, as usually get 1000 emails a day there).  If anyone else wants to try the link is tion%20form .  Just be sure to mention that you are willing to go to Europe for surgery because of the extensive wait list here.

I am comfortable in my decision and truly hope everyone else is in theirs.  We all live different lives and need different things.  Most importantly, please make an informed decision that you can live with for the rest of your life.  Think long term.  I feel blessed by God in how everything is coming together at a time when I am now ready for the next step to achieving a healthier and happier life. 

And if you have any concerns then search out answers.  There will always be some "nerves" or cold feet as any surgery is scary - I remember the nurse putting drugs under my tongue when I got to stressed over having my tonsils out a few years back, lol.  Be sure to reach out to either the professionals or those who have undergone the process though.  We love our families and friends but they can be our worst enemy especially on things they don't have all the facts!

Sorry my comments are so long - not coughing as badly so my bathroom runs are fewer so can actually think clearer, lol.

Live, Love, Laugh - Life is short so enjoy today!
Michelle Clark  
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader 

      Angel to Charline (New Maryland) & Chrissy
on 11/22/08 5:09 am - Fredericton, Canada
Hi Messy..

I think your comments...
"personally, I did ask a doctor who posts on this site, about his opinion regarding surgery for me given a pre-existing condition and he said he would not recommend Lap Band but instead would recommend a bypass of some kind.  Howver Dr. Beau felt he could do the procedure on me providing he did a gastroscopy and took some biopsys.  He did so and based on the results he has decided to proceed feeling that this surgery will actually help my condition. "

are actually a second opinion...I myself only saw one Dr. in person..the other two were email forms.  So maybe some would not consider them real second opinions...but like the comments you put above..these second opionions raised my hiatias hernia...and thus I was able to get clear answers from my chosen surgeon, and I was even more sure it was the right choice.

I also could of had the RNY or Band paid for......but I don't think I am as strong as you gals.  I was just terrified that I would make all these changes and have WLs and I would still be obese.  So...I chose the drastic step of borrowing 15,000 dollars for which i will pay for years.  I choose to drive a car that costs 1000 dollars, and it is junk......because ... my surgery is my car budget....but I think it really comes down to the fact I was just too scared I would not loose enough with RNY or Band.  Or I would not be able to eat normally and would have to diet my whole life and I might fail there.  And I must say monthly....I smile when I pay my loan.   So the choise was right for me.

So, when I say second/third opinion...I think there are medical professionals who know alot about WLS...who can also give opinions...that either help us...or like Messy...cause us to just up our research...and it helps us to reconfirm our decisions.

Interesting post.....

DS Surgery June 2006,  Been fine every since.  Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.

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