Referral letter feedback please

Charline M.
on 11/19/08 7:02 pm, edited 11/19/08 7:45 pm
VSG on 02/23/12
Ok, this is my letter.  Please let me know if there are any errors you notice or if you think some things could be worded differently.  I am not an expert by any means.  I am French first but since my husband only speaks English he helped me with the letter and I thought that all my documents should be in English so he can understand everything that is going on with my progress.

November 21st, 2008


RE:  DS weight loss surgery for Charline  

Dear Dr. Savoie,


I am writing in regards to a referral for Charline to have weight loss surgery.


Charline is a female of 36 years of age.  She is 5 feet 5 inches with a weight of 336.2 lbs.  This gives her a body mass index of 55.9 which also classifies her as super morbidly obese.


Charline has been my patient since her early twenties and her weight has fluctuated throughout the years.  She now has had 2 pregnancies in the past 5 years which have each resulted in substantial weight gain.


Below, I detail certain medical observations that I have assessed and also learned through her past medical records.


To begin, Charline has a long-standing history of obesity.  Her weight has varied from 290lbs in 2005, to 309lbs in 2007, and finally to her current weight of 336 as of this week just to detail the past few years.


She has tried many weight loss plans including Weigh****chers, SlimFast, the cabbage soup diet, gym membership, acupuncture, and other pills/supplements. 


She is having significant adverse symptoms from her obesity. 


  • She suffers fro stress incontinence and has to wear a protective pad all the time


  • She has sleep disturbances that include numbness in her arms, soreness in her legs and buttocks as well as some breathing difficulties.


  • She suffers from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).  This condition is dangerous, because of the possibility of pneumonia or lung injury.  The esophagus may become scarred and constricted, causing trouble with swallowing.


  • She suffers joint pain in her knees and ankles and experiences back pain which prevents her from standing for a long time or exercising on a regular basis.


  • She is also suffering from depression because of her weight and how it affects her life with her family and children.  She is currently taking 60mg of cymbalta and 300mg of Wellbutrin XL on a daily basis as well as Seroquel to assist with anxiety and sleep insomnia.


  • Charline becomes short of breath on any exertion.  She cannot climb even one flight of stairs without stopping and has a difficult time of performing the ordinary day-to-day duties of living, such as shopping, cleaning, getting in and out of a car or chair. 


  • She has chronic rashes in the folds of her body and has a difficult time keeping up with personal hygiene due to her weight. 


She has researched bariatric surgery in depth and is well informed.  She is aware of the risks associated with weight loss surgery, just as there are risks with any other surgeries.  She also realizes that a change in lifestyle and exercise are major components of bariatric surgery and is beginning to make those changes.  She needs assistance in order to proceed with these changes and I feel that she is a good candidate for weight loss surgery.


While the short term cost of this surgery is substantial; I believe that treating the cause of Charline’s  medical condition—obesity, will allow her to begin participating in exercise and regular activities and reach a healthy weight. If you need any additional information regarding my care of Charline, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,


~Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian.~        
on 11/19/08 7:45 pm - Canada
I like it!

I wish I knew what my doctor wrote on my behalf. When I saw Dr. S in early October- He was reading this long page hand written by my doctor on her letterhead.

Nah I like it, I mean the doctor may like too add something and a doctor will only sign what they agree with, but it's a great letter overall.

Good luck and keep us updated!

on 11/20/08 12:57 am - NB, Canada, Canada
Looks good, I know my doctor simply wrote my current status, my weight loss attempts and my conditions (morbidities) that would be helped by having surgery - all that you provided - so should be fine!  Good job 

Good luck,
Live, Love, Laugh - Life is short so enjoy today!
Michelle Clark  
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader 

      Angel to Charline (New Maryland) & Chrissy
on 11/20/08 6:05 am, edited 11/20/08 6:05 am - New Maryland, Canada
.Being a bit anal retentive, I made a couple of changesthat help with the flow of the letter-
ovember 21st, 2008


RE:  Bariatric Surgery for Charline Mc

Dear Dr. Savoie,


I am writing to refer Charline Mc  for bariatric surgery.


Charline is a 36 year old mother of 2 children.  She is 5 feet 5 inches with a weight of 336.2 lbs.  Her body mass index is 55.9, placing her in the super morbidly obese catagory.



 Charline has a long-standing history of obesity.  Her weight has varied from 290lbs in 2005, to her current weight of 336 pounds.  Her 2 pregnancies, within the past 5 years,  each resulted in substantial weight gain.


Charline has tried many weight loss plans including Weigh****chers, SlimFast, the cabbage soup diet, gym membership, acupuncture, and other pills/supplements. 


Charline is having significant adverse symptoms from her obesity. 


  • She suffers from stress incontinence and has to wear a protective pad all the time


  • She has sleep disturbances that include numbness in her arms, soreness in her legs and buttocks as well as some breathing difficulties.


  • She suffers from gastroesophageal reflux disease.  
  • She suffers joint pain in her knees and ankles. She also experiences back pain which prevents her from standing for an extended period or exercising on a regular basis.


  • She suffers from depression. She reports that her weight and subsiquent effects on her life with her family and children is the primary cause.  She is currently taking 60mg of cymbalta and 300mg of Wellbutrin XL daily as well as Seroquel to assist with anxiety and sleep insomnia.


  • Charline becomes short of breath upon exertion.  She cannot climb one flight of stairs without stopping. She has a difficulty of performing normal activities of daily living including shopping, household cleaning, getting in and out of a car or chair. 


  • She has chronic rashes in the folds of her body and has a difficult time keeping up with personal hygiene due to her weight. 


She has researched bariatric surgery in depth and is well informed.  She is aware of the risks associated with weight loss surgery, just as there are risks with any other surgeries.  She also realizes that a change in lifestyle and exercise are major components of bariatric surgery and is beginning to make those changes.  She needs assistance in order to proceed with these changes and I feel that she is a good candidate for weight loss surgery.


If you require additional information , please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,



Charline M.
on 11/20/08 7:48 am
VSG on 02/23/12
Thanks for your help!!!
~Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian.~        
on 11/20/08 11:20 am - Saint John, Canada
It looks really good Charline!! :-) Good luck with your referal!
on 11/20/08 6:15 pm - Canada
Great letter,  Good luck today.  I will be thinking positive thoughts for you all day.  This is it girl, hang in there you can get what you want with firmness, kindness and assertiveness. You can do this.

on 11/21/08 8:24 pm - Canada
How did you make out with the doctor?  Dying to know.

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