Dr. Savoie and DS
Hi Everyone, I feel so much better after finding this site. I saw Dr. Savoie on Thursday thinking about Lap band not knowing anything about DS until he suggested it. I have been reading everything I can find on DS. I feel much better knowing more about him. Does anyone know much about what it is like after the surgery.
Hi Kkyymm
Welcome to the group!
There have been a couple threads on here in the last month or so going over the DS procedure and life afterwards. My cousin Catherine had the procedure a couple years ago and has posted some info. Plus there is tons of info and great support on the DS forum which I check out quite a bit.
We will be soon planning our Dec get together and hope you can join us! Watch for details.
Please share any news from Dr S. How did your consult go? Is his staff nearly ready? What type of time frame did he give you?
Feel free to ask us any questions too.
Welcome to the group!
There have been a couple threads on here in the last month or so going over the DS procedure and life afterwards. My cousin Catherine had the procedure a couple years ago and has posted some info. Plus there is tons of info and great support on the DS forum which I check out quite a bit.
We will be soon planning our Dec get together and hope you can join us! Watch for details.
Please share any news from Dr S. How did your consult go? Is his staff nearly ready? What type of time frame did he give you?
Feel free to ask us any questions too.
Live, Love, Laugh - Life is short so enjoy today!
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader
Angel to Charline (New Maryland) & Chrissy
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader

Welcome. There is quite a bit on this site about the DS. Start researching and make sure you totally understand this surgery before you make any decisions about it.
Hope to see you in Dec. The get together is in the 2nd in Fredericton Area. I am not sure which venue.
Take Care,
Welcome. There is quite a bit on this site about the DS. Start researching and make sure you totally understand this surgery before you make any decisions about it.
Hope to see you in Dec. The get together is in the 2nd in Fredericton Area. I am not sure which venue.
Take Care,
DS Surgery June 2006, Been fine every since. Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.
Does anyone know if Dr. S has an age restriction? ie. over 50 only the band.
I see he has a minimum age restriction of 18 for the Band, as Carol has mentioned.
But what about the old folks

Just reading the DSFacts site again...and there are some interesting stats on the comorbidities
Could the next Dr. S patient let us know if Dr. S has a age restriction on the DS? It might help some with either there research and I personally have some family members with the issues listed below...but not sure if either the RNY or DS is actually an option. I don't believe RNY is as it is done in Moncton and cut off is 50 (right?) . What about Bathurst?
Here are the specific stats that I was looking at.....
Resolution of Comorbidities
Following bariatric surgery many obesity related comorbidities can be improved or cured. The RNY and DS statistics for the resolution of comorbidities can be found in Buchwald et al. Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. [58]RNY
Type 2 Diabetes 84%Hyperlipidemia 97%
Hypertension 68%
Sleep Apnea 80%
Type 2 Diabetes 99%Hyperlipidemia 99%
Hypertension 83%
Sleep Apnea 92%
The Duodenal Switch weight loss surgery procedure has seen the highest rate of type 2 diabetes cure, often before leaving the hospital following surgery! For more information on how DS surgery can have such a quick result see the metabolic effect of our section on the Duodenal Switch Procedure.
and I have also gone back to the lap band studies on Diabities...ie http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18212316?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSumand the findings here, although are for less then a 40 bmi...are as well very positive.
but....just curious about the age restriction in Bathurst...in case WLs as an option is discussed by someone asking me about it.
DS Surgery June 2006, Been fine every since. Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.
The document I got most of those stats from quoted a study in particular but it's very comprehensive and a huge resource for me. It quotes the remission rates for type 2 diabetes by surgery type as:
VGB 75-83%
LABG 40-47%
RNY 83-92%
BPD-DS 95-100%
This is the full document http://www.aace.com/pub/pdf/guidelines/Bariatric.pdf
The diabetes info is on page 9 if you are interested.
VGB 75-83%
LABG 40-47%
RNY 83-92%
BPD-DS 95-100%
This is the full document http://www.aace.com/pub/pdf/guidelines/Bariatric.pdf
The diabetes info is on page 9 if you are interested.
Good info for those researching.......the whole Diabetes connection is a major consideration in choosing surgery.
I didn't have it, but I have family members who have type II so they would need to consider this as a major point if they go down the WLS route.
I see your info does not mention the vertical sleeve, which is becoming a very popular type of surgery for those not looking for malabsorbation, but just restriction. Like the band gives just restriction, no malabsorbtion...so many choosing the band, VS...go back and forth between the two. It is a comparison of having something internally planted,needing fills vs. having your stomach cut/stapled.
I did a quick look...but don't see much out there on any studies with the sleeve and and Diabetes...but probably similar to the band. Think?
Take Care,
Good info for those researching.......the whole Diabetes connection is a major consideration in choosing surgery.
I didn't have it, but I have family members who have type II so they would need to consider this as a major point if they go down the WLS route.
I see your info does not mention the vertical sleeve, which is becoming a very popular type of surgery for those not looking for malabsorbation, but just restriction. Like the band gives just restriction, no malabsorbtion...so many choosing the band, VS...go back and forth between the two. It is a comparison of having something internally planted,needing fills vs. having your stomach cut/stapled.
I did a quick look...but don't see much out there on any studies with the sleeve and and Diabetes...but probably similar to the band. Think?
Take Care,
DS Surgery June 2006, Been fine every since. Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.