Still coughing up a lung...
Hey everyone - miss me?
After I got back from Bathurst I came down with that blasted cough/cold so have been very low key this past week. Will be going through and putting my 2cents in the past topics so might get writers cramp, lol.
Update on my car - the pumpkin I hit on the way home from the last support group meeting really did a number on my car - to the tune of $2000! My hubby did say I did the right thing though as to try to swerve in the mess on the road may have sent me into a spin or worse. Car should be out of the shop later this week. Probably good that I was sick as had no car to do anything - even sent my Mom to the Kindergarden Parent meeting, lol.
After I got back from Bathurst I came down with that blasted cough/cold so have been very low key this past week. Will be going through and putting my 2cents in the past topics so might get writers cramp, lol.
Update on my car - the pumpkin I hit on the way home from the last support group meeting really did a number on my car - to the tune of $2000! My hubby did say I did the right thing though as to try to swerve in the mess on the road may have sent me into a spin or worse. Car should be out of the shop later this week. Probably good that I was sick as had no car to do anything - even sent my Mom to the Kindergarden Parent meeting, lol.
Live, Love, Laugh - Life is short so enjoy today!
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader
Angel to Charline (New Maryland) & Chrissy
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader

Hope you are feeling better soon. I am going to try to stay healthy for the next 2 weeks because if I get this cold that is going around I have to call Lise and tell her and they will postpone my surgery. I am determined to have this on Dec 2. So for now, I am washing the skin off my hands everytime I go out in public and come home again and I am not touching my mouth, nose or eyes when I am in public for fear I have picked something up. Just good practice in the winter months anyway no paranoia here.
Feel better Michelle.

Thanks Ann,
I wouldn't want anyone to get this cough before or after surgery so do take care. My hope is by having it now I will have the antibodies to keep it away for the winter cause I definately would have popped some stitches.
Be sure to get some extra Vit C and no kissing
hubby unless he is being as stringent against the viruses out there too! lol
I wouldn't want anyone to get this cough before or after surgery so do take care. My hope is by having it now I will have the antibodies to keep it away for the winter cause I definately would have popped some stitches.
Be sure to get some extra Vit C and no kissing

Live, Love, Laugh - Life is short so enjoy today!
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader
Angel to Charline (New Maryland) & Chrissy
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader

Ah vitamin C now that reminds me of something. No vitamins for 14 days before surgery. Lise was very insistant about that. She sat there and counted out the days and told me when to stop a number of times. Not sure why maybe some of them might be hard on the tummy, I don't know but as of today I cannot take any more vitamins until they say its okay after the surgery. I was taking a pretty strong round of vitamins - C and Iron and Calcium/mag/D plus a multi and she said I must stop so I am stopping. Just going to have to be very careful until Dec 2.