new and have my consultation next thursday with dr. savoie

on 11/14/08 9:45 pm - Canada
I agree Catherine.  I did a lot of online research and stayed away from the horror stories.  I know the complications exist but that is all I want to know.  Many times I found that people who were posting all the terrible things that can happen were not following the rules, not staying on liquids as perscribed, not chewing enough etc.  I also did a lot of reading I read "Laproscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding by Jessie H. Ahroni Ph.D., A.R.N.P.  Its available on and  I also read Weight Loss Surgery with the Adjustable Gastric Band - Everything You Need to Know Before and After Surgery to Lose Weight Successfully by Robert W. Sewell, MD.  also available on and  Both of these books are excellent resourses for information and are a good prep.  Keep in mind that these books are written by Americans and so things are a bit different from the way we do it here in Canada but overall the information in them is sound.  I also paid close attention to what the Dr. told me and what they shared with us at the information session.  I don't think Dr. Savoie has an information session yet but there is no reason why you can't ask lots of questions.  I bought a little notebook and everytime I thought of a question, no matter with time of day or night I would write it down and I asked the Dr.  when I saw him - every question I had and I wrote down the answer so I could refer back to it.  I also contacted a lady from the maritimes_bariatric_patients group on  I just posted a message stating that I was looking for information about the banding process in New Brunswick and one of the ladies contacted me personally and offered to speak to me on the phone.  She was most informative and kind and I still keep in touch with her. Then I found this forum and I went way back, many pages and read a lot of the posts.  By the time I went for my paper signing I felt like and expert on Gastric Banding.  Not really but I felt like I had all the information and support I needed.  I still have fears and worries but I am content with my decision and that is what matters.  Take your time. Do your research. Ask us questions.  Read, Read, Read.  And don't decide to do it until you are sure you feel good about it.  If you say I am going to do this and in the back of your mind you say well maybe not.... then you are not ready.  And if there is anything we can do to help you by all means contact us.  This is a community, a family of sorts, helping each other, supporting each other, cheering each other on to success. Gotta love that!

on 11/15/08 12:18 am - Canada
thank you THANK YOU thank you... I can't thank all of you enough. 

on 11/15/08 1:40 am - Fredericton, Canada
Welcome aboard, Rachel.  I have been obsessing about this for about 6 months now and have gone through every range of emotion you have described.....more than once.  I've had my appt with Dr. Savoie and am awaiting my place on his surgery list.  I have one small complication that I must clear up with my family doctor and while this may be strange to hear,  I hope he takes his time in clearing it up.  I am still scared and like someone else said,   it is important to take some time to let it all settle in, to do the research, to read this blog and others etc.  Some very tiny part of me envies those on here who have had to wait 4 years or more.  They've had that time to make sure absolutely without a doubt that this is what they want to do.  I fear that maybe I'm making a hasty decision which may not be the right one.  Now as I said that is a very tiny part of me thinking that and I am grateful I don't have to wait the looooooooonnnng time.  I think any fears will be alleviated once you read the blog and go to other sites.  When I start to panic, that's what I do and I always come away content again.
Going to the initial consultation is a great start.  You can met Dr. Savoie and start to feel comfortable.  He appears very competent, talks down to earth to you and just a little extra bonus, he's rather easy on the eyes, if you know what I mean!!  I would really be surprised if your surgery is in Feb.  I've had my first visit and I don't expect my surgery by then.....unless he is planning to do nothing but those surgeries and the operating room schedule allows him that much time.  Another thing, I don't want to be driving back and forth in the worst part of the winter.  See how I'm making all kinds of excuses to delay it as much as possible!!!

Having said all that, I am really anxious to move forward.  And if I have it tomorrow or 4 months from tomorrow,  I'm almost 100 percent sure, I've made the right decision!  And I'm sure you've done so as well!!  

Pls do come to the meetings in Fredericton.  All but one of us at the last meeting are in the waiting stages and hopefully, as we grow, we'll have a combined attendance which would make for a really great meeting.  It was really nice to see the real people blogging here and can't wait to meet more of them. 

We will all get through this together and by this time next year, we'll wonder what all the fuss was about!!

Penelope G.
on 11/15/08 10:17 am - xxxxx, Canada
Hi Rachel,  I'm Patsy.  I'm the most recent grad.  I had my surgery 3 weeks ago.  i'm doing really well.  I didn't go through the same range of emotions as everyone else, only because I only had the one option.  Band or no band.  I have had previous gastrointestinal surgery that precludes me from any other options.  I have followed the rules to the letter, same as Ann is doing now (good girl), and have lost 13 lbs since surgery.  Gained one this week though, so total is 12.  I lost 56 prior to surgery for a total of 68 since February.  I'm feeling mahvelous !!!!!!  Very happy with how things are going, but have to admit I can't wait for my first fill.  I have no restriction and have the urge to eat but I'm not allowed.  They tell me this phase is called  Bandster hell.  I have the band, but it doesn't do much for you until you get restriction.  that should be in about 4 weeks time.  the first fill may not give me restriction but will at least be one step closer.  Any questions, just ask.  I'll tell you what I can.   Patsy

362/305/250.6/160  (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
on 11/16/08 9:57 am - NB, Canada, Canada
Hi Rachel

Welcome to the board!

I am Michelle and am also from Moncton.   Just saw Dr Savoie on the 6th on Nov and will be having the DS surgery this winter sometime.

I plan to drive up for the next "support group" meeting if the weather is nice and you are certainly welcome to join me for the drive.

Be sure to do lots of reading and research on the different procedures and forum groups - remember to take everything with a grain of salt.  There are lots of messages out there with awesome links for information.

If you ever want to chat or get together feel free to give me a call!
Live, Love, Laugh - Life is short so enjoy today!
Michelle Clark  
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader 

      Angel to Charline (New Maryland) & Chrissy
on 11/16/08 11:13 pm - Canada

Thank you girls.  I thought it was going to be quicker the surgery so I'm kinda happy to wait  a little bit.  I wor****il 7 so the meetings in Freddy will probably have to wait.

Did I understand that there is a meeting in moncton on the 18th?  I may be able to go to that one and my hubby is really interested too!
One question that I have and I guess it might sound silly, but for those of you that got the operation, do you feel the band in you?   is it uncomfortable? 

keep me posted and Michelle, I may call you one of these days.


Penelope G.
on 11/17/08 3:06 am - xxxxx, Canada
I had my surgery 3 weeks ago and I can tell you you can't feel the band or the port, but you do feel different than before.  It might just be the healing stage, but I am aware of my stomach.  and it makes alot of noise at first also.  But no you cannot actually feel the band.  hope this helps. patsy

362/305/250.6/160  (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
on 11/17/08 2:43 am - NB, Canada, Canada
The meeting on the 18th is by invitation only for some of Dr B's waiting clients as their information session (and test so it has been said, lol). 

I have spoken to her nurse and the "support" meetings in Moncton for his clients are only after surgery - which is why I use this site and go to our own support meetings in Fredericton. 

Although if you know of a few more in Moncton area we could start our own chapter!
Live, Love, Laugh - Life is short so enjoy today!
Michelle Clark  
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader 

      Angel to Charline (New Maryland) & Chrissy
on 11/17/08 7:08 am - Canada
 I can't wait to meet Dr. S and ask him so many questions.

I think that a meeting in Moncton would be a good idea.  Let us know if you guys want to start something and we'll go.  I'll even ask a woman from work if she can come too because she had her surgery about 2 months ago and can give us an update.

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