new and have my consultation next thursday with dr. savoie

on 11/14/08 9:34 am, edited 11/14/08 10:12 am - Canada
I really don't know what to think anymore... I'm happy, I'm nervous... I'm happy, I'm scared... I read, I freak out!!!   I talked with my doctor Nov. 4th and I'm scheduled for a consultation on Nov. 20th in Bathurst.  I live in Moncton and I have lots to think about...

We recently got married and my husband is wonderful.  He is fully supportive however my family is scared.  My sister is beggin me not to go along with it because people tell her horror stories about the surgery.  My mom doesn't want me to go but encourages me to do whatever I want and trusts that this might be my moment of glory... my father feels the same way.

I am very afraid of the erosion stories... the blockage complications and a lot of things that people mention however i see it like this... I drive my car every day and that is a huge risks!!!!! 

I've tried everything.. diet, gym, diet, gym...

I need some support and I need to know how you feel too!

going to see Dr. Marc Savoie.  He's new so I don't see much about him on the net.

keep me posted please and thank u

on 11/14/08 10:19 am - New Maryland, Canada
Hi Rachel,
Welcome to the board.  I love to greet new people to make the board more active and interesting. The rate of complications is extremely low with the band. I don't want to try to convince you one way or the other, because this is a life altering decision. Your sister, like a lot of people has heard stories from years ago when the death rates were high. The surgeries were far, far more drastic than today too. The current death rate is about .1% (that's a 10th of one percent)for the band.  This isn't a lot higher that the risk from anestetic for any surgery. Yes the can be band slippage and errosion, but the rate of slippage is 3% and is 80% of those the band can be replaced.   Errosion is 1 in 500. You have nothing to loose from the consultation, but I suggest you do a ton of research between now and the 20th.
Dr S is new, but it is my understanding that he trained with one of the best WLS surgeons in the world.
My information session is on the 18th in Moncton. I just bought a very informative book on the band. I could lend it to you for the day  or you could keep it for a week and mail it back to me. We could make arrangements to meet.
We have a new support group here in Fredericton and we have a member from Moncton and she is open to having company on the drive here.  If you are interested, keep your eye on this board.


on 11/14/08 10:28 am - Canada
thank you so much Charline.  You look familiar and you mentioned Richibucto in another message... I'm from St-Charles.  Small world.

You are right, I need to do more research however I'm always on this site and youtube reading testimonials.  It's almost always positive.

I really appreciate your help and will consider the book. 

Take care,


on 11/14/08 11:28 am - New Maryland, Canada
You need to look at research. Testimonials are great to tell you what living with the band is like for some people. However I think that people generally drift away from posting after a bit....until they have a problem. So to get an idea about how often this or that happens, testimonials can skew reality. Google a combo of lap band, statistics, complication, success, stuck, and also any health problem you may have. Look for facts, not opinions.

By the way, you increase the Kent county contingent to 4 or 5 of us!!  I live near Fredericton, but I was raised in Richibucto. It is and always will be HOME! 


on 11/14/08 10:57 am - Canada
welcome Rachel,

My name is Monica and I'm a regular. I do hope you post lots.

I saw Dr. S on October 9th and I am currently waiting for my surgery which will most likely be in January. A few of us have been to Dr. S so if you go in past posts, you can see what you can expect.

It's normal for your family to be scared, they love you and don't want to lose you. Do educate them as much as you can. Dr. S told me there was a 0.1% change of dying. I mean, those are excellent odds...if you fall into that statistic you pissed off someone from up above :P (KIDDING)

It's normal to be scared. I'm scared too a little bit but the more I am reading up on this surgery and with the support of the fabulous people on this board, I feel reassured.

There are complications, but so what? Having diabetes or hypertension is a complication don't you agree? Complications get fixed and that's it.

Plus- If you follow the rules, complications like slippage shouldn't happen.

Welcome, and if you have any questions ask away!!!

on 11/14/08 11:09 am - Canada
thank you Monica and I should say that you're the reason that I found this site.  I googled Dr. Marc Savoie and your blog popped up!!!   so thank you.

I don't know if I should hold back or shower them with information.  My hubby is so sick of me talking about it (hahahha) but really, he supports it 100%.   Even asked me if we could get a his and hers version! 

I understand my family because it's a surprise and the unknown.  For us, it's new.  I only am considering this for the past 10 days... mind you that I have been trying to lose for the past 10 years.

I know that I will make it through easily with support and commitment.

So if your surgery is January, mine will probably be around Feb.  Nice birthday gift... Feb. 6th for me!!!

thank you for posting.  you guys are really special.  I love that your local and we're talking the same situations and same doctors and stuff.

my best,

on 11/14/08 8:09 pm - Canada
Welcome Rachel,  My name is Ann and I think, if I am not mistaken, I am the next person on this forum to have surgery.  My surgeon is Dr. Beausoleil and I will have my surgery on December 2.  If you go down through the messages posted over the last month or so you will find a lot of good information.  You will also find people sharing their fears as well as their hopes and dreams for this surgery.  I am 55 years old.  Dr. Beau will not do gastric bypass on anyone over 55 and so the band is my only option and I am quite grateful for that.  I don't think I would want to rearrange my plumbing so to speak.  I have made myself aware of all the possible complications and then proceeded to follow what the Dr has told me to do to the letter.  I chose not to think about complications, I chose only to think about how I will succeed at this.  There are risks as with any surgery but and its a big BUT diabetes, heart disease, stroke, joint and back problems etc are only a few of the many complications to obesity.  Obesity is a disease and this sugery is a tried and true treatment just like medication is for high blood pressure etc.  You have to take medication on a daily basis for complications to obesity.  This surgery is like that medication you have to use it properly and follow the directions as given by your physician in order for it to work.  It is only a tool.  Ultimately you and the way you use this tool will define your measure of success.  There are a lot of people on this forum who will answer your questions and reassure you along the way.  It is the greatest community of wonderful people who all know  - up close and personal - what it is like to live the life of an obese person.  We know the physical pain, we have lived the emotional pain and we can help each other along with everything that comes up around the decision and the procedure.  You are lucky you have found this forum and we will help you. 
Welcome Rachel, welcome to hope, welcome to support, welcome to a group of new friends who care.
Ann aka Realmessy

on 11/14/08 8:24 pm - Canada
Ann, thank you so much!   you almost made me cry.

I know that it is a struggle and I'm so happy to have found this place.  You are absolutely right when you say that the complications from being obese is a lot greater than to get the operation.  Diabetes, heart attacks and joint pains are pretty much guaranteed let alone the .1% chance of dying from the op.

I'm so grateful to have found you guys to chat with...
on 11/14/08 8:32 pm - Canada
I didn't mean to almost make you cry - I did mean to let you know that we are here for you.  If you have any questions ask away.  I am starting the 2 week pre op liquid diet probably next week.  I will be sure to share my progress.  If you have any personal questions please feel free to email me directly.  Just click on my ID  - that takes you to my profile and you can then send me a private message.  That goes for anyone else who wants to ask questions of any kind.  I don't mind.
Have a great weekend!  I am off to the pool with my best friend for a nice swim and then home to do house work - ick.

on 11/14/08 8:38 pm - Fredericton, Canada
HI and Welcome!
You have come to the right place...other folks from your neck of the woods doing the same thing as you.  Researching, visiting the Dr. and following the recommended approach for the best chance of the most weight loss.

I hope you can come to dinner with us in would really relax you immensely.  And bring your hubby...or a family member or two.  The one thing that would hit them first is post WLS...we are just normal only wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy healthier.  I know from taking my hubby to those early dinners I was so much more helpful then all the stats and research I could have presented.

I am not sure if Bandsters will be there for sure...I I hope so.  Carol...who was there the night I want would be a pure inspiration for you and your hubby.  She looked just fantastic and was a wealth of information.

My only advice...and maybe people will disagree with not to rush into an immediate date.  In my humble opinion...Feb is too soon for you.  I believe for the best success...take another couple of months to really take it all in.  And plan for your success.  Look to Messy and Charlene and some of those others that are now planning for a band.  They set a gold standard to being prepared.    From what I see, I would say from first idea to "under the knife" should be at minimum 6 months.  And this is really just to allow proper time to research...and then proper time to prepare, physically and emotionally.  And really gear up for post surgery and be totaly ready to live the life.

I think it is a key factor in success...what do the rest of you think?  Am I way off base?

TAke care, and are on the road to success..either will beat this obesity thing!  Wow!  How cool is that!

Take Care,

DS Surgery June 2006,  Been fine every since.  Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.

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