What did you eat today Dser?

on 11/12/08 5:23 am, edited 11/12/08 5:28 am - Fredericton, Canada
On the UK forum there are three threads.  DS, Band and RNY.  We record what we are eating.  It helps us to have a look at what we are doing especially if we have challenges, and it also give newbies a chance to see what people are eating. 

So...Let me start...I hope someone else starts the Band and RNY ones.

gp = grams protien

Time since surgery:  30 months post surgery

3 eggs, 3 strips of bacon  27gp
very large latte (1.5 cup of milk with splash of coffee)  12gp

morning snack

4 yogurt tubs, something with fruit.  16 gp

Cheese burger, with the bottom bun but not the top - 21gp
few dozen fries  2 gp
small bit of salad  0gp
diet coke (a very small one, as just started soft drinks in a small way after 2 years) 0gp
large latte 12gp

Afternoon snack
2 tubs yogurt 8gp
large latte 10gp

3 oz chicken, 23 gp
small baked potato with 2 large tablespoons sour cream, 3gp & 1 gp
small portion fried mushrooms/zuccinni mixture 0 gp
1 portions of custard  (home made, almost no sugar, egg, milk recipe.) 4gp

Even Snack
2 portions of custard  (home made, almost no sugar, egg, milk recipe.)  8 gp
1/2 cup peanuts 12gp

Protein count for today:
over 150! 
...protein - check, vitamins - check, water...ahhh shoot...ruined a good record.  Had some, but not enough.  I dehyderate very easy post DS....focus tomorrow...water!  It was great to see it in print and get a real feel for the protein, usually I sort of keep a running tally, or also try to get at least 30 grms in each meal to be safe.  Missing even one meal somedays can really reduce the options for getting in my 100 to 12 grms of protein.

got the protein counts here: http://caloriecount.about.com/

DS Surgery June 2006,  Been fine every since.  Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.

on 11/12/08 8:11 am - New Maryland, Canada
Good idea!  Maybe we should start a couple of threads like that, but include one for pre-op too. I am down another pound!!!  All I am doing is stopping when I am full (at times it have been a little over full but who's perfect- not me!), taking smaller protions, and having bad choices a lot less often. I  have also started Nordic walking, but I do better on week days (I go at noon) than on the weekend. It is amazing how much further I can go with the poles.  My back and knees don't hurt either and that is what usually stops me.
By the way, cheesecake is not included in bad choices unless I have more than ...say twice a week!  LOL  Some rules have to be tailor made to the individual!!!


on 11/13/08 5:28 am - Fredericton, Canada
gp = grams protien

Time since surgery:  30 months post surgery

3 eggs, 3 strips of bacon  27gp
very large latte (1.5 cup of milk with splash of coffee)  12gp

morning snack


2 hotdogs no bun - 12 gp
1/2 cup mashed potato - 2 gp
large latte 12gp

Afternoon snack
1 tub yogurt 4gp
large latte 10gp

1/2 pound cheese filled meatloaf - 30 gp
small boiled potato with  large tablespoons sour cream, 2gp & 1 gp
small portion carrots 0 gp
1 portions of pudding   3gp

Even Snack
1 portions of custard  (home made, almost no sugar, egg, milk recipe.)  4 gp
1/2 cup peanuts 12gp

Protien count for today:
130ish...very good! 
Summary .....protein - check, vitamins - shoot..missed afternoon ones!  (how annoying), water...sucked there as well.

So...lots to eat, but slack on vitamins....and will get another glass of water, but about 1 litre short.   

Note on the vits...it is  really bad when I forget my afternoon vitamins...because now it is too late to just take 8.  I needed 4 in afternoon...and 4 at Bed.  (if I wake up to pee...will slip in 4, but otherwise I will proably be short today...and it is not the first time this month I have forgotten my afternoon ones...need to set an alarm on my phone...so easy to forget..when you feel good.

note how those lattes do add up!  If you are getting a DS....get to like them...they are the bees knees!  Microwave your milk...a huge cup and  toss in coffee for some flavour.

DS Surgery June 2006,  Been fine every since.  Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.

Penelope G.
on 11/13/08 8:18 am - xxxxx, Canada
my concern with this is that what you are able to eat is waaaaayyyyy too much for a lap bander.  I could never have that much food in a day.  EVER. 4 tubs of yogurt for me is ridiculous.  I can't even imagine eating that much.  or 3 eggs and bacon.  it's not on my diet.  I think the banders need to realize we can't eat like that.   it sounds like protein intake is your goal.  We are only allowed to eat 1 cup of food at a time 3 times per day with 3 small snacks.  1200 cals per day.
I know nothing about DS surgery but it sounds very different from banding.  Patsy

362/305/250.6/160  (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
on 11/13/08 11:09 am - New Maryland, Canada
Oh yeah, Catherine ha**** the food addict trifecta!!! LOL i am kidding but only just. She has to focus on protein and lots of it because with DS most of oyur small intestines are by-passed- like 7.5 of 9 feet. She could eat sweets like crazy and not  gain an ounce, but she wouldn't get any nutrician either.  I hope this is accurate Catherine. She gets most of her vitamins and minerals from pills she has to take 3  think) a day.  With DS the stomache is small too, so the amount of food is restricted.  It is the most drastic of the surgeries but has almost a 100% sucess rate. Loosing too much weight can be a problem. We can only compare our individual diets with others in the same situation. That is why I suggested we start threads for each "catagory" including waiters like me!


on 11/14/08 3:41 am - Fredericton, Canada
Hi Guys,

Charlene has passed along alot of what I have said...but let me clarify...because it sounds too good to be true.

First...someone with a DS can not eat as many sweets as they want.  In fact Sugar is the only thing that we DSers do need to worry about.  Me on the other hand, so far at 2 years out, can eat sweets without a gain.   But...as my 2 year window is up and I am able to eat more then I could earlier....I have decided it is time to cut down on the sweets. 

I have major bypass of my intestines.  My common channel is just 1 meter.   So like Charlene says....I bypass most of my small intestine.

I need to eat protein..it is my life line.  It does not matter if I am hungry or not.  I eat.  I eat a lot of cold food.  I fix my plate, then when I get full, I wait a few minutes and continue, and often it gets cold and I don't bother to heat it....because walking away would make it hard to get in my 100 grams of protein.

I take 12 large vitamins a day.  Without I would get sick and die.

My stomach has been made smaller...but not near as small as with a RNY.  I can eat more...and nutritionally...I have to.

The stats are not 100%.  More like 80ish. 

I am a "best case" I think.  And I make no bones about this.  Do your research folks...if you want a DS...you need to know the pluses and minuses.

I am two years out....I can eat tons compared to the first year...even 18 months.   When the next person gets a DS...we can really see what a struggle it is to get in the 100 to 120 grams of protein in. 

(don't get me wrong...I am not complaining...it is just a Different focus with DS)

DS Surgery June 2006,  Been fine every since.  Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.

on 11/14/08 3:47 am, edited 11/14/08 3:55 am - Fredericton, Canada
Time since surgery:  30 months post surgery

3 eggs, 3 strips of bacon  27gp
very large latte (1.5 cup of milk with splash of coffee)  12gp

morning snack


2 pork sausages (hotdog size) no bun - 12 gp
1/2 cup mashed potato - 2 gp
large latte 12gp

NOTE ON LUNCH:  I ate one sausage....and was full...like I had eaten Christmas dinner.  So waited about 10 min til I could struggle in the rest of my second sausage.  This happens from time to time.  Not sure if it si because I did not chew small enough..or what.  They always say the DS has a mind of its own.  One can not give up at the first signs of being full sometimes. 

Afternoon snack
1 tub yogurt 4gp
large latte 10gp

1/2 pound cheese filled meatloaf - 30 gp (leftovers from yesterday)
small portion carrots 0 gp
1 portions of pudding   3gp

Evening Snack (planned)
1 cup pudding  4 gp
1/2 cup peanuts 12gp

Protien count for today:
120ish...very good! 
Summary .....protein - check, vitamins - 8 down, 4 later, so ok.
Water....I never tookthe time at work...and this is not funny.  When I get dehyderated...I get terrible cramps in my legs woken upand have to go run water on them to release them.  I know better...but darn I have a tough time when busy to get inthe water. 

Keep in mind, after surgery, you can not guzzle water...it is only small drinks at a time..which might explain why it is sometimes a challenge.

Tomorrow is Sat...weekends are much more of a challenge...I sleep in..and don't get to fit in as much food because miss breakfast.

And if you are thinking about the DS...and are a vegetarian...it would be extremely difficult to fit in protein.  I am so thankful I am not lactose intolerant.  Some become unable to have dairy products after surgery...that would be my worst nightmare...Iattes really take off the pressure.

DS Surgery June 2006,  Been fine every since.  Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.

on 11/15/08 8:45 am, edited 11/15/08 8:45 am - Fredericton, Canada
Time since surgery:  30 months post surgery

very large latte (1.5 cup of milk with splash of coffee)  12gp

1 cup portion Meatloaf - 22pg
large latte 12gp
2 portions of custard - 10 pg

Afternoon snack
large latte 10gp
cup of shrimp fried in garlic and oil, served on crackers with melted cheddar cheese on top.  20 gp

8 escargot in garlic and butter - 9 pg
cup mussels in cream sauce with rice, few veggies - 25 pg
Creme brulee desert  - 10 pg

Protein count for today:
120 - OK.  Had a big 3 course dinner Sat night in a restaurant...so was able to make up for too little protein during day.

Water...got a full 2 liters in.  Still trying for a 3rd.  Can still see the veins popped a bit in my hands and feet...so need a few days with lots of water to ensure I am back on track hydration wise.

I was told that DSers dehydrate easy, and need to keep a sharp eye on the water.  And also because we don't eat as much veggies and fruit...we don't get the liquids others get.

In early days, I had to keep water in my hand all the time, it took hours to get a whole glass in...because it was one sip at a time.

DS Surgery June 2006,  Been fine every since.  Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.

on 12/18/08 9:53 am, edited 12/18/08 9:56 am - Fredericton, Canada

Today was not a great day...I have a couple of things that I am not overly proud of.

1.  I have allowed myself to run out of vitamins.  I though they could be sent overnight..and put off ordering..and they take 7 to 10 days.  So scrambling for substitutes

2.  I did not drink hardly any water today.....so tomorrow will probably have leg cramps.  will try to get some in tonight.

The problem with a DS is you feel like superwoman...and you forget...without those two ingredients...you are like the energiser bunny running down.

So...what did I eat today...I dont think my protein is high enought...but my excuse is spending the day shopping.

Time since surgery:  30 months post surgery

very large latte (1.5 cup of milk with splash of coffee)  12gp
3 fried Eggs with gratted cheddar cheese melted on top 20 gp

Mid morning Snack
1 Cup Yogurt - Mango 5 gp

1/2 cup almonds - 16pg  (on the run, but fill me up pretty easy)
very large latte 12gp
8 portions sushi with prawns/salmon - 15 pg  (was delish! great stuff, full of flavour)

large latte 10gp
Dairy Queen, 1/2 pound flame thrower burger.  25 gp.  (I never eat the top buns on burgers...no space.  For the first year...I didnt eat any of the bun on any burger I got at a fast food place.  These burgers are great when you are on the run around town.  That and an icecream..but too cold for the icecream tonight.)

Bed time snack
1/2 cup yogurt - 5 pg

2nd Bedtime snack
1 cup mashed potatoes with ton of sour cream and melted cheddar...left over from yesterday...and with enough cheese and sour cream...it becomes a healthy option.

I guess when I see it all writen the protein count is not too shabby....it was just that as I drove all over town...I ate along my shopping way...so never really sat for a meal.

Protein count for today:

DSers dehydrate easy, and need to keep a sharp eye on the water.  And also because we don't eat as much veggies and fruit...we don't get the liquids others get.

In early days, I had to keep water in my hand all the time, it took hours to get a whole glass in...because it was one sip at a time.

I must say I look forward to the first DSer to post what they are eating at the beginning...because it would be more like.
breakfast - 1 egg, 1 lattte
Snack - 1 sm. Yogurt
lunch - half a childrens burger mcdonalds...meat only
snack - handful almands
supper - half chicken breast
snack - handful peanuts, some canned salmon
more lattes when ever you can fit them in.
tons of vitamins.

As you see...eating the necessary protein is pretty tricky when you are really restricted...and for the first while...probably a year...I ate almost no fruit and veggies.  Got what I needed from the vitamins.

DS Surgery June 2006,  Been fine every since.  Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.

on 1/16/09 7:46 am - Fredericton, Canada
Today was pretty good food wise..if I can just remember what I ate :)

2 very large latte (1.5 cup of milk with splash of coffee)  20gp
3 fried Eggs with 5 slices of bacon 25 gp

Mid morning Snack
1 Cup Yogurt - Mango 5 gp

Bowl of home made chicken stir fry - well soften veggies and mainly chicken more then anything 20pg  (no rice as I would have filled up to quickly I think)
very large latte 12gp

large latte 10gp
3 bowls of steamed mussles 25 gp
French fries - probably about same amount as large mcdonalds fries - but were home made and deepfried - not much protein there but don't absorb much fat..but will probably make me gassy

Bed time snack
small tub of pudding - 5 pg

2nd Bedtime snack
going to find a chunk of cheese and see what I can melt it on.  Feeling like cheese before bed.

A pretty good Protein day, got in the water I wanted as well...just need to finish up with my bedtime vitamins...and bobs my uncle!

DS Surgery June 2006,  Been fine every since.  Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.

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