Getting to know you....
Time to play 5 questions about you...
1- What is your all time favorite some to dance to?
2 When you are alone in the car, what is your favorite song to crank up the radio and sing to?
3- What is your favorite color?
4-What is your favorite pass time?
Besides that!!!! Tthis is a family board!!
5- What is one ofyour favorite childhood memory?
1- What is your all time favorite some to dance to?
China Grove- Dobbie Brothers
2 When you are alone in the car, what is your favorite song to crank up the radio and sing to?
Thunder struck= AC/DC
3- What is your favorite color?
4-What is your favorite pass time?
Besides that!!!! Tthis is a family board!!
I always wanted an excuse to use that horse!!! Jewellry making.
5- What is your favorite childhood memory?
When I was 5 or 6, I remember sneaking into my mother's closet, trying to peak into my Christmas gifts. I would just stick my finger into the box as that was as far as I could go without tearing the paper. Well' there was this hexagonal box with something furry in it. I could not figure out what was in it for the life of me. I stuck my finger in several times, but I couldn't figure it out. I was just dying to open it. Come Christmas day, after waking everyone in the house announcing that it was Christmas, I was fairly vibrating with anticipation.
I just couldn't wait for the go signal. Well, I tore into that package like someone posessed.
Much to my disappointment,
the box contained a blue fir hat that looked like it was made for a Catholic Bishop!! I was so disappointed. I don't remember one other thing I got that Christmas! Serves me right!
Of course, I had to hide my disappointment because I woul;d have had to admitt peaking!
To copy the questions, highlight the questions. Then hit "control C". On your reply hit "control V"
1- What is your all time favorite some to dance to?

2 When you are alone in the car, what is your favorite song to crank up the radio and sing to?

3- What is your favorite color?

4-What is your favorite pass time?

5- What is one ofyour favorite childhood memory?

1- What is your all time favorite some to dance to?

China Grove- Dobbie Brothers
2 When you are alone in the car, what is your favorite song to crank up the radio and sing to?

3- What is your favorite color?

4-What is your favorite pass time?

5- What is your favorite childhood memory?

When I was 5 or 6, I remember sneaking into my mother's closet, trying to peak into my Christmas gifts. I would just stick my finger into the box as that was as far as I could go without tearing the paper. Well' there was this hexagonal box with something furry in it. I could not figure out what was in it for the life of me. I stuck my finger in several times, but I couldn't figure it out. I was just dying to open it. Come Christmas day, after waking everyone in the house announcing that it was Christmas, I was fairly vibrating with anticipation.

To copy the questions, highlight the questions. Then hit "control C". On your reply hit "control V"
1- What is your all time favorite some to dance to?
Old Time Rock and Roll - Bob Seeger
2 When you are alone in the car, what is your favorite song to crank up the radio and sing to?
At Last - Etta James
3- What is your favorite color?
4-What is your favorite pass time?
Besides that!!!! Tthis is a family board!!
Knitting is very close second to spending time with my family.
5- What is your favorite childhood memory?
The softness of my maternal grandmothers cheeks. She would hug me and put her cheek next to mine and it was a soft as velvet.

Old Time Rock and Roll - Bob Seeger
2 When you are alone in the car, what is your favorite song to crank up the radio and sing to?

3- What is your favorite color?

4-What is your favorite pass time?

5- What is your favorite childhood memory?

Gotta love Bob Seeger! What a lovetychildhood memory! I remember only one grandparent and we didn't speak the same language. I do remember doing "I'm a little Tea Pot" for her- I was about 4 years old. I like to knitt too, but I am doing other thing now- jewellry making and decluttering my house.... or trying to. Green is my DH's favorite color so most of what he buys me is green.
You have had some great ideas Charline. I like this one too. It gives us a chance to find out about each other and to talk about something other than the surgery and the other "Stuff" that goes along with it.
Thanks, I think you are awesome and a real important part of this forum. Oh and if I am not mistaken - a week from today is your info session. That's great for you!
Thanks, I think you are awesome and a real important part of this forum. Oh and if I am not mistaken - a week from today is your info session. That's great for you!
OMG You are right. I have been so busy at home (trying to organize the house, pack for a 10 day trip and Christmas), and at work ( I have 4 days in the office before the end of the month, but the usual work load). I have been so focused on trying to get it all done that I didn't register the passage of time. I would be really excited if I had the time. LOL Seriously I am so anxious to learn all the details of what the future holds. It's almost like going to a fortune teller, except this forture teller tells you how to live longer. I am going to make tons of notes and report it all back here. i must post to see if anyone else on the board is going the same day.
1- What is your all time favorite some to dance to?
I'm going to be honest, I don't really dance :/
2 When you are alone in the car, what is your favorite song to crank up the radio and sing to?
Amy Winehouse- Back to Black
3- What is your favorite color? Black or Browm
4-What is your favorite pass time? Writing, reading, shopping, spending time with my hubby and friends.
5- What is your favorite childhood memory? Ice skating, spending time at my grandparents house, Sunday drives with my mom & step father.
I'm going to be honest, I don't really dance :/
2 When you are alone in the car, what is your favorite song to crank up the radio and sing to?
Amy Winehouse- Back to Black
3- What is your favorite color? Black or Browm
4-What is your favorite pass time? Writing, reading, shopping, spending time with my hubby and friends.
5- What is your favorite childhood memory? Ice skating, spending time at my grandparents house, Sunday drives with my mom & step father.
1- What is your all time favorite some to dance to?
The kids and I dancing around to anything goofy on tv
2 When you are alone in the car, what is your favorite song to crank up the radio and sing to?
Timbaland - The way I are
3- What is your favorite color? Pink
4-What is your favorite pass time? spending time with the familyand friends walking, reading, tole painting
5- What is your favorite childhood memory? Going to our cabin in the winter time. Snowmobiling in and skating on the lake and sliding, wood heat. In the winter there was no running water so we really were roughing it. It was wonderful .
The kids and I dancing around to anything goofy on tv
2 When you are alone in the car, what is your favorite song to crank up the radio and sing to?
Timbaland - The way I are
3- What is your favorite color? Pink
4-What is your favorite pass time? spending time with the familyand friends walking, reading, tole painting
5- What is your favorite childhood memory? Going to our cabin in the winter time. Snowmobiling in and skating on the lake and sliding, wood heat. In the winter there was no running water so we really were roughing it. It was wonderful .
Hi Carol,
When the kids were still home, I used to sing and dance in the kitchen while getting supper ready and if a kid had the misforture to wander by, I would grab them and tango across the kitchen. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a favorite memory for one of them. Cluckle! They are convinced I am crazy and, of course, I have done my best to prove them right!!
I used to tole paint a lot. I have a ton of books and paints. I have to get back into that.
I just got a book order from Amazon and there are 2 recipe books for post band. I haven't looked at them yet, so I don't know how good they are yet, but I wouldn't mind lending them to you so you could copy any recipes you like.
When the kids were still home, I used to sing and dance in the kitchen while getting supper ready and if a kid had the misforture to wander by, I would grab them and tango across the kitchen. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a favorite memory for one of them. Cluckle! They are convinced I am crazy and, of course, I have done my best to prove them right!!
I used to tole paint a lot. I have a ton of books and paints. I have to get back into that.
I just got a book order from Amazon and there are 2 recipe books for post band. I haven't looked at them yet, so I don't know how good they are yet, but I wouldn't mind lending them to you so you could copy any recipes you like.
Hi Tears,
Don't dance, of couse you dance! You just have to loose the dance inhibitor and you will find your inner dancer!!
( I hope that came out right!!)
One of my favorite childhood memories is going skating on the Richibucto River Christmas day with my much older sibblings. You just had to try out those new skates. Unfortunately, with global warming, the river doesn't freeze until weeks later! Don't try to tell me global warming is a mith.
I am also a fan of reading and shopping. As a child I wanted to write the next great Nancy Drew. One of my daughters is an avid author and has writen short stories and sometimes they are long enough to be short novels. I think she write in the fantacy gendre. She puts them online but I don't know which site..
It must be wonderful to write for a living. what kind of stuff do you write for work and for fun?
Don't dance, of couse you dance! You just have to loose the dance inhibitor and you will find your inner dancer!!

One of my favorite childhood memories is going skating on the Richibucto River Christmas day with my much older sibblings. You just had to try out those new skates. Unfortunately, with global warming, the river doesn't freeze until weeks later! Don't try to tell me global warming is a mith.
I am also a fan of reading and shopping. As a child I wanted to write the next great Nancy Drew. One of my daughters is an avid author and has writen short stories and sometimes they are long enough to be short novels. I think she write in the fantacy gendre. She puts them online but I don't know which site..
It must be wonderful to write for a living. what kind of stuff do you write for work and for fun?