What are you looking forward to?
Tell us about one dream you have for a year post-op- something you dream of doing that you can't do or have difficulty doing now.
I am looking forward to being able to bend over, like to tie my shoes, without feeling like I am sufficating.
I have a dozen other little dreams, I'll same them for another time, because I will be posting this again.
Ok you asked for it
- Being able to cross my legs
- Being able to breathe
- being able to say bye bye to pennington and edition elle
- to join dance class
- To not be the elephant in the room
- To pick up things from the floor
- To stop my acid reflux medication
- to not be ashamed of going out in public
- To not have the car seat belt choke me
-To see my feet
- To stop being afraid of fallin in the bathtub and the horror of needing help naked
- To be able to enjoy sex with my hubby and not worry about things like "OMG HE IS GROSSED OUT"
- To feel pretty
- To be more active
- For my IBS to get better
- To buy nice clothing at a reasonable price
- To have my hubby be able to hug me all the way around
-To feel like myself again
- To dress up for Halloween
- To have more energy
- To improve my asthma
- To have children
- To wear heels
- To eat smaller portions
- To buy bras that fit
great post...
- to not have to ask for that extension to the seatbelt when flying
- to be able to borrow or share clothing
- to not be the largest in the room, any room
- to not get so tired when just walking around the mall
- to be able to look normal enough that I could eat a bag of chips or an icecream and not feel ashamed in public.
- to never have to get into someone elses care and worry their seatbelt wont fit.
- to wear horizontal stripes!
and the previous posts really hit all the high points I was waiting for!
DS Surgery June 2006, Been fine every since. Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.
*to actually have a lap to cuddle my kids in.
*to be able to sit on my husband 's knees without fear of his legs going numb.
*to be able to go to an attraction park and not worry about the bars of the rides not being able to sit right.
*to get up from a chair without being bent over for fear of back pain.
*to go up a flight of stairs without being completely out of breath.
I also want to be fit enough and slim enough to go for long walks and hikes with my husband when we travel. Currently he walks slower for me and sometime although he would never say so, I think he is frustrated that we just can't take off and go at a healthy pace, cover more ground and see more things. I have been married to this man for 36 years and we have been together for 40 years and being active has not been a big part of our lives for a long time due to my obesity. So that is a big one for me too.
The other things the clothes, the "perks" of being slimmer are not as important to me in the big picture. I think those things will come as a bonus to me. Most important is my family and being able to be with my family as they live their lives. To be able to keep up, to be able to participate and not have to sit on the sidelines and watch will be an amazing achievment for me. Of course I want to wear smaller clothes, I want to not be the biggest person in just about every room I enter. I want to not crowd my husband on a plane, I want to be able to bend over, to get rid of my CPAP(if possible). I want to have people look at me like I am a valuable person. I hate to see that look of disgust, that look of pity, that look of "gosh I am so glad I am not fat". I want people to see the real me, the person I am inside without them judging the exterior package.
This surgery is for me a life saver and a dream come true. All the fears that come along with it are just that fears not realities. I can do this, I will do this. And I will share my success at every oportunity. I am standing at the brink of the rest of my life. How exciting is that?
I have many more dreams and I will share those too as I go along .
I am looking forward to : (in no particular order)
1) Not having to guess whether a chair can hold me or not.
2)Not having to ask for a seat belt extension when flying
3) Not having the nurse say....let me go get the big cuff (bloodpressure cuff)
4)Being able to do a full grocery order, and not having to leave half way through due to back pain, asthma, and being sweaty.
5)Hanging out with my kids, without the thought of them being embarrassed playing on my mind.
6)Living again!
7)Being able to bargain shop...we all know big girl clothes are never a bargain.
8) Looking like my twin sister again
Of course there are many more...
1. shopping in a boutique or chain store other than Penningtons (I love penningtons but want smaller sizes)
2. to be able to ride on a motorcycle
3. to be able to ride a sea-doo
4. go skydiving
5. scuba diving
6. squat down to see what's in the bottom drawer without bending over
7. to sit with my knees pulled up to my chin
8. go 4 wheeling with my husband
9. wear a bra that's comfortable
10.. travel
That's not too much to ask, is it??????

362/305/250.6/160 (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
You go girl - I just wanna watch you.