Michelle ...how did it go ?
Sorry everyone, we didn't get lost! I was pretty beat (although I did doze in the car) and napped some today to try and keep my body from succumbing to that nasty cold/cough that is going around.
So hubby and I started our Bathurst drive at 10am and it took less than 2.5 hours even though we "had" to stop for gas (he should have been prepared the night before, lol) and of course "had" to wait in the Rogersville line up for coffee!
We went to Greco for lunch as it is owned by the parents of one of the guys he works with at Atlas. We found the parking options very limited but after circling the block a few times we found one. We were still a bit early but decided to wait in the Dr's office in case he was ready. Filled out some paper work - of course my first thought was ... is this the psych exam - what if I say that in the past I could not move my neck (whiplash) will that disqualify me? LOL Not sure if it was just my paranoia or memories from when I was a Psych major at Mount A.
Another couple came in from Saint John. We chatted a bit and I shared some information about the different procedures with my print out and gave them this site to check out. Hopefully things went well for them.
When we met Dr Savoie my first thought was ... similar to Dr Dreamy with a Maritime twist. Hubby figures he is 30 but I would say close to 40 and keeps care of himself - like my GP who always takes time for golf.
First we go over my "weight" history and dieting attempts, processes etc. Although Weigh****chers worked when I was in university, it wasn't as successful my latest attempt and he agreed that most "diets" help the people who only need to lose some weight. We laugh over the fact that my 2 pregnancies were my best weight loss programs - gained only 10 lbs and lost 40-60 lbs after - but I really don't want to have more kids just to see the 200's again!!
When he asked if I knew anything about bariatric surgery I pulled out my print outs and said ... seen the movies, researched the options and want the DS. He looked a little awestruck (maybe I sounded like Meredith Grey LOL) and asked if I wanted to know anything about the Lap band or other procedures - nope not interested. So we discussed the surgery process some. My husband asked some questions (basic ones - I could have told him the answers but I kept quiet thinking he needed his time too to process the information and get out his worry - likely why I had a sore tongue).
He laughed when I confirmed that he has actually done the DS procedure and not jus****ched - told him I did not want to be his first! When I asked if it would be about 6 months or so until he had his full staff ready for this type of surgery he said he would be first doing some Lap Bands but since I have already had the sleep apnea test and in good health my surgery will be soon - as in this winter. wow.
I will be in the hospital 5-7 days to ensure no leaks and not sure yet if it will be open or lap. The open surgery cuts from just above your belly button to just below your rib cage and only takes 2.5 hours while the lap has 6 or so holes and takes about 5-6 hours to do. Of the 7 meters of small intestine he leaves about 2.5 so reconfirmed that I understood the necessity of the vitamins and protein regime. Plus, he will be removing my gall bladder so that there will be no troubles down the road, and will remove my appendix if it is accessible easily. Wonder if he would take out my uterus too - could lose another pound and the monthly headaches!
My next appointment will be with him and the rest of his staff - nutritionist, nurse etc to go over the procedure in detail, sign more paperwork and get my prescription for the SlimFast to use for the 2 weeks of 800 calorie liquid diet. When I get that appointment it means the surgery will be about a month away. In the meantime, he told me to keep eating healthy and the better shape I am in for surgery, the better my recovery phase will be.
So now I am officially in the process - woohoo!
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader


362/305/250.6/160 (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
Dr. S wanted to do a VERTICAL SLEEVE on me , but like the other lady said , he also cuts it off at a certain age.
Dr. S is easy to talk to & easy on the eyeballs too.
Good Luck .
The vertical sleeve is getting more and more popular. With the sleeve the stomach is reduced..into a sleeve. People with the sleeve seem to be finding it alot less hassle then the band as there is restriction but no fills. And of course with the hunger producing hormone ghrelin removed, one is alot less hungry.
I can tell you why I chose the DS. When I first heard about WLS I heard about the band. I thought that was for me, then for a few weeks I was on my RNY kick. Then I learned about the DS, and continued doing alot of research, and amongst the 3 I felt the DS was the best for me. This is just me, we all need to choose what fits our eating and attitude the best.
Why DS?
I started off with the idea of a band but the idea of slippages and fills were not for me. I progressed to RNY - booked my date for the op - then found out about the DS and knew it was for me. Canceled RNY op and am very very happy with my choice of DS.
I chose it because:
Statistically the Best chance to lose the greater % of my body weight
Best chance to prevent major regains in the longer term (and I have been well pleased with this so far

I wanted to eat as I pleased - and I do.

I like protein foods - and I like high fat foods...steak, cheeses, sea foods...creamy sauces. I unashamedly wanted to eat what I liked.
I wanted to kiss diets goodbye and I wanted to reach for an understanding of how it is to eat as a normal person does. I still have carbs in moderation & sugars (though this is not possible for a few DSers.)
Basically I am able to eat a near full plate of food although I often eat less than that quite happily.
I studied what it would mean to have a transected stomach and loved the idea that much of the hunger producing hormone ghrelin would be removed. I also read of the metabolic changes that DSers may experience & I wanted this...and I do now have a supercharged metabolism.

I had no willpower left in me - I wanted my surgery to do at least 80% of the job. And it does. I have given up Dieting forever.
I felt if I needed a later revision the DS could be revised within itself. I did not like the idea of maybe one day needing a completely new surgery to adjust to.
THE BPD has been documented for many years - the first DS was performed about 20 years ago. Longerterm DSers are documented as doing very well indeed in most cases.
I knew that some people have dirrahera and alot of gas problems. But after talking to many on these forums who had DS, it did not appear to be a real problem for many after the 1st year...and I was willing to take my chances as it appeared those who took good care of themselves had less bowel problems. I myself never have diarrhea and as long as I stay away from the Carbs, no gas problems either. I must say that I do still eat carbs if I feel like it..and over the 2 years the gas after my carb fests is less and less.
The fact that it is considered the most evasive surgery was not an issue for me. I chose a surgeon I had alot of faith in as I felt it was really just during the actual operation day that the degree of invasiveness comes into play. After the surgery I didn't even feel like I had anything really major done. So...I sort of figured that someone with a band could even feel they had had WLS surgery more then me...as they have a port and get fills. I have what to me feels like a normal body. I need to remind myself...vits and protein...so I dont forget I am not as normal as I feel.
I know why I chose the DS, and I totally respect and admire anyone choosing a different surgery. We all need to research the possibilities and feel good about our choices. Or our Doctors choice if he is choosing for us. All types of WLS are giving sucess!
DS Surgery June 2006, Been fine every since. Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.
I know how good it feels to start losing weight ,even when I lose 5 lbs I can tell the difference , Just think losing 100 lbs....its almost unbelievable !!! I get excited thinking about it .
I know the DS can sound like a dream come true...and for me it was. But you will find that most wls patients are the same....we all love our own surgery! They all have great success stories!
One thing I can not say enough is though.....the DS does have some pretty serious rules. And if they are not followed....you can die. I don't believe this is the same for any of the others. Me being so anal about rules helps alot.
And Dr. S has the same rules about ages as Dr. B? I don't get the whole age 50 cut off. I hear it is because some older patients died? I don't see any statistics out there to support the cutting off of certain surgies after 50.....and interesting surgery topic...
and I hear ya on the whole 5 to 6 years.....I thought Michelle would have that kind of wait...and I know how much more unhealthy one gets in that time frame.
and finally....I know I am a "best case" scenario for DS. Probably not everyone, or maybe not many would have it as easy as I do. So...people need to read alot more in the DS forums..and not go by me ....
Take care,
DS Surgery June 2006, Been fine every since. Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.
What did Dr. S tell you about vitamins? Which ones will he want you to take, or is he ok with you to choose? Are they covered in NB? (on the grounds you can't live without them after ds)
What about regular blood work to monitor your levels? How often will these be done? And can you just get them done by your regular family doctore and send the results to the surgeon?
and....are you walking already to build up those lungs? maybe swimming? got a stationary bike? hmmmmmm?
You don't drink much anyway...but you might want to plan to give the booze a miss this Christmas as you might get done in the early part of 2009...and you need to make sure you liver has the best fighting chance. II was told when I had surgery the liver is quite often what will cause them to move from laproscopic to open at time of surgery......the state of the liver and how well it folds back out of the way...
take care,
DS Surgery June 2006, Been fine every since. Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.