who have you told and why
Thanks, Ann
on 11/2/08 12:55 am
My mothers, father, one of my sisters who is a doctor.. I'm not sure who else knows but those are the ones I know for sure know. The only thing work knows is that I may need surgery at some point to fix some internal problem *lol*
My family is extremely supportive of my choice to have WLS and I'm thankful for that. They've helped me all my life trying to get me healthier and down to a normal weight..
I'm not sure if I'll tell any friends or not - I'll wait and see how I feel. I don't really have any friend locally as they've all moved from the area to bigger and better things. *lol*
One advantage I really saw is I did not live a WLS consumed life. It was never discussed and I just gone on with living. No one ever watched me eat, mind you..they probably did wonder how I could justify the steak or the burgers :)
This summer after it turned 2 years...I told my 4 grown sons...one of which lives at home. And they were fine with it.
One thing that I read long ago is you can not "un tell" so think about it. You don't owe the information to anyone..it is a personal decision. So...if you want to share, share...if you are not sure...play it by ear...
and as for work...nah...not at all interested in telling the office...what would be the advantage? Although I do have some good friends at work....it is still work...and not a place to have my personal business discussed.
Take Care,
DS Surgery June 2006, Been fine every since. Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.
on 11/2/08 3:27 am - Fredericton, Canada
I agree with you Charline....I haven't told my 2 daughters yet although I may tell one but you are so right. I don't want to debate the decision either with those skinny people. I told a couple people at work and ended up in that very discussion. I really don't care if it gets around and what people say at this point in my life. Until they walk in my shoes, then they are not worth fretting over what they say. I fear one of my daughters will say exactly that..I am taking the easy way out and that all I need to do is stop eating. Love her dearly but she can be very judgemental at her young age. I am very sympathetic to smokers trying to quit because I know my addiction is food, not quantity so much as quality and I struggle with it constantly. I'm at the point that I would like to just quit eating altogether and forever, if I could!!! So I'm just going to do it and if they ask, I will tell and if they don't, I may tell anyway!! Some people I have told because I think they could benefit from the procedure as well and may feel hesitant about doing it!! Drumming up business for the two over worked doctors!!

Can you say "Hit a nerve"?? .

I shared my decision with my husband, my mom and my cousin Catherine first. One of my husband's friends knows as he had an rny a few years ago so I asked him some questions (he had reccommended surgery as an option for me to my husband). Also one of my rep's sister was recently lapbanded so have talked to them.
Couple weeks ago I shared it with my prayer group and they were estatic when I told them last week I got a consult. They will be a powerful support group.
We have 2 kids aged 13 and 4. Both have heard some comments, like when I tell some things to my husband about eating protein, changes that will take place etc. My youngest even saw a couple clips of the online operations which he thought was pretty cool and gross. I haven't gone into a lot of detail as don't want them to worry but will answer any questions.
I usually play it by ear. Not something I plan on broadcasting but nothing I am ashamed about either. I did however make a point not to tell my step-father (and asked my mom not to say anything to him) as he can be very hurtful so don't need his comments or "judgements" - no doubt he would have something to say about anything I put into my mouth in the meantime.
Probably one of the reasons I am so keen on support groups. It is empowering to share and helps others who truly understand what you have or are going through. When my oldest had to have open heart surgury when he was 5 months old there was no parental support group so my cousin got us together with another couple whose daughter had had surgery as well. It made such a difference we actually started a group for other parents = as much as other people may try to "help" if they have not walked a similiar path it just doesn't feel the same (one friend said they could relate as their kid had a nasty cold ... sorry but not the same as open heart surgery!!!)
Bottom line - so glad you guys are around!! Looking forward to Tues!
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader

Umm...let's see...
My Fiance, my mom & dad, my grandmother, my two aunts, all my cousins, most of my favorite co-workers, my mother in law, my grandmother in law, and my brother in law...well I have to admit that everyone knows!
I have not received any negative comments and everyone has been super supportive. I'm pretty blunt so I doubt anyone would have the audacity to even say anything to me regardless but all those people have supported me in losing weight and they all seem to think this is a great idea and if not, well too bad.
I don’t think I will be hiding the surgery because I want to encourage other obese people to follow my path. If it wasn’t for my best friend, I wouldn’t be where I am and I think it’s important for people to know that there are options out there! My best friend has always been vocal about her surgery, helping people make the decision, speaking at Dr. B’s information sessions, answering any questions hopefuls may have etc.
Another thing that causes me to make sure I tell the truth is that my mother’s friend had the band secretly put in about 4 years ago. She had not told anyone about it (not even her husband!) so during family dinners etc, she was always trying not to appear suspicious (because let’s face it- with the band you eat slowwwwwww) so she was eating at a faster pace so no one could notice. She was also forcing herself to eat things like bread & pasta and such because she didn’t want anyone to think that something was going on since she had always eaten those types of foods, well…
She damaged her band and had to be hospitalized. I think it’s up to everyone to decide what’s best for them, for myself- I couldn’t care less what people think so I choose to talk about my experience to anyone who’s willing to listen. I want people to understand that the band is not the enemy or the easy way out. Plus, if I can help someone obese learn more about this surgery and give them a chance in life, then why not?