Yes, I had my appt too!

on 10/31/08 11:52 am - Fredericton, Canada

It was as nice to see Catinthefiddle as it was to see Dr. Savoie.  Hope to see you on Tuesday so we can talk more!!! For me, it turned out to be a very quick appt.  I really didn't have too many questions and he explained it pretty thoroughly.  I'm definite on the lap so there was no need to discuss other options. He agrees that's the best for me.  I have been really sick for the past 3 weeks and have lost almost 15 lbs so I'm right on the borderline for being eligible for the surgery.  Not to worry though because that weight will all go back on once I can eat again!  He asked me to have a couple tests done and the results sent to him and then make another appt.  GRRR....that trip to Bathurst is brutal!   It just seems so farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  He also reassured me that waiting to have these tests done won't interfere with my place in the lineup for surgery!  He's such a sweet man, a Bathurst boy, which is nice because you know he won't be leaving any time soon!  And indeed very easy on the eyes...although he does seem to be young....could be I'm getting old and everyone below 40 looks young!
He feels the surgery will definitely take care of my diabetes and other stomach problems I'm currently having.  They haven't figured out what those stomach problems are yet and they've been working on it for about 2 yrs.  He's comfortable continuing with the surgery provided the tests he's asked me to have come back negative.  So I'm one step closer, still scared to death but surrounded by support and big shoulders so I WILL see this through (I think!!!)
Look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!!

on 10/31/08 1:52 pm - New Maryland, Canada
Of course you are going to go through with it.....if that is what you want to do. Cat isn't on the list as going, but it sure would be nice to have her join us.


on 10/31/08 7:29 pm, edited 11/1/08 4:01 am
Sorry gals , I would LOVE to go, but I live to far from you & I hate night time driving . I think getting together would be a great support for  each other.  
My Dr.  (GP) didn't call me back yesterday , so now it will be on Monday, getting the ins & outs of the cpap & apnea test.
I will have to get my support on this forum.........
Casey, did he give you any time slot for your surgery ???




on 11/1/08 11:24 am - Fredericton, Canada
No, he didn't.  Then again I didn't ask since he said I would have to have those tests done first and we'd have another appt before setting the surgery in stone.  I am going to try to talk him out of that...I don't want to drive all the way up there just to hear yes, it's a go or no, get fixed first and then we can do it.  I think he'll understand.  If the tests are negative, then just move forward from there.  I get the impression he isn't going to start surgeries until the new year though.  Really bad time of year to travel up there but you just do what you gotta do!!
Sorry, you won't be able to make it but I understand driving in the dark especially this time of year! Wasn't that drive to Bathurst brutal!  Did you see the site where that horrible accident happened...that was really hard to see.  My daughter travelled all through her high school years for basketball and I worried constantly.  We found our way around Bathurst using my husband's new toy...a GPS and that stupid thing brought us right to the front of Bathurst High which they showed on tv during the whole was hard to see!!
Good luck with the sleep test.  I struggle every night with my CPAP machine.  I don't know what it is but I just can't seem to get the hung of it.  I've had the machine for about 3 yrs and just had the law laid down that I must use it.  It wakes me up at night with the loud noises the escaping air makes.  I must not be doing something quite right.  I will hang in though.  Most of the comments on here about the machine have been positive so I'll keep at it!  Hopefully, I won't have to use it any longer after the surgery! In fact, everytthing on my bad list will be eliminated according to the great doc!  Sounds like a miracle to me!!!

on 11/1/08 12:40 pm - New Maryland, Canada
You said that the air escaping wakes you. I don't have air escaping. Are you sure your mask fits properly?


on 11/1/08 2:38 pm - Fredericton, Canada
Hi Charline....I've had it checked a couple of times.  It doesn't stay in the same place when I'm asleep no matter how tight I make them.  Maybe I move too much in my sleep.  I have to redo the home test next week so maybe I'll talk to them once again.  I guess I just assumed that was normal for it to move around slightly.  I wondered too if the lining needed to be replaced. I know a couple of times I've slept through the whole night and it did make a difference.  Do you have to keep yours tight on your face?  How high do you have it set?  Mine was set to 21 last year and it would blow right off my face.  I have it at 18 now and it will probably go back up after we redo the test.  I think I could probably tolerate the higher setting now. I just don't want to go back to St John for the overnight test if I can help it. That was brutal!! 

on 11/1/08 10:58 pm - New Maryland, Canada
I don't remember the exact setting but I think it is lower than 18. Of couse the settings may vary between different makes of the machine. I remember that I had to try a few different masks before I had the right one. A friend swears by the nasal tube but I hated it. Ask if you can try a different mask without commitment.  I also had to experiment with the velcro straps. I wear the upper strap pulled down almost to the base of the skull.


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