Mixed feelings
I think its great that we have this forum to share information and to vent. If getting things off your chest helps you to feel better about the path you are on then I for one will be here to listen. Say what you need to say Charline, its better than keeping it all bottled up inside you. That could be bad for your health too. I am sure. even though your co-morbidities may always be with you in some form or other, that they will definitely improve to the point where you can manage with them better as your quality of life improves. In the mean time vent away, we are all in this together and are here for each other.
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! I am feeling better today. It is amazing the cascade of emotions in regard to this surgery, I have been experiencing since the consultation.$ years & I never waivered in my resolve. The waiting was frustrating but now I am obsessed! I never questioned my choice of the band. Now I am wondering if I should switch the a more agressive option. I'm up, down, all over the place. Thanks for listening, responding and all the good advise. I may get even crazier before this is over!!

We are here to listen no matter how crazy you think you are getting. We know you are not crazy because on some level and to varying degrees we are all walking right beside you, feeling many of the same feelings and frustrations and in my case obsessions. I am glad you are feeling better. Stay the course and go with your first decision, don't waiver. When you were further away from the surgery you could see clearly what you wanted and what you needed and at that time your decision is the one that was not influenced by how close you are to your surgery. Be strong. It won't be long and you will be telling us all about your experience and how glad you are to have done it the way you had originally planned.