Mixed feelings

on 10/25/08 10:13 am - New Maryland, Canada
Things are moving so fast now for everyone. That really is great, but I must admitt that everytime I hear of someone waiting for a year or two to see Dr B. I feel so angry that I waited 4 years to see the endorinologist-which never did take place.  I am glad that others don 't have to go through what I did, but I am so angry that my health has deteriorated for those years and for what? Why? Now my liver is breaking down, so how much difference is the surgery going to make in my life expectancy?
Someone tell me to grow up and stop behaving like a b****!


on 10/25/08 10:41 am - Canada
I won't be the one to tell you that Charline.  But I will tell you that it is very human to feel the way you do.  At first I was way p**sed that I had waited nearly 5 years and in those nearly 5 years I got too old to have the bypass.  Now I am grateful that I am at least going to be able to have the band.  Although not as severely as yours, my health as deteriorated as well and that is something we can do nothing about, time passed, things happened.  What we do have control over is how we approach the surgery that we will be having given what we have to work with so to speak.  If we do everything asked of us by the Doctor, the dietician, the nurses, then we will do wonderfully well with the surgery.  I read somewhere that the surgery can improve your life expectancy by 80%.  So I think no matter what you have to start with, that's pretty good odds.  As the new Doctor gets established I am sure that the waiting time will decrease for everyone.  I can't quite recall where you are in the process since I have read a lot of people's stories and after a while I find I am getting people confused in my mind but no matter where you are on the timeline, you are doing the right thing for your health and for your life.  Hang in there girl, we are all in this together.  You have given me some very positive comments and I so appreciate that.  I hope you know that I am pulling for you and confident that you will do just fine.

on 10/25/08 11:28 am - New Maryland, Canada
Thanks Ann.  I have had my consult with Dr B & I am waiting for my full day seminar. I also got too old to have a choice. I am just freaked about my last liver function tests. I do get miffed when people get through the system quickly, not because I have any ill will toward the luck souls. I just feel cheated by the system.
The 80% figure came from Dr B via a message I posted. That is still a big improvement. i need to get an attitude adjustment and stop being negative. 


on 10/25/08 11:54 am - Canada
Sorry to hear your liver function blood work wasn't that great. Like I said, DONT GIVE UP. I had a horrible function test when I was first discovered but just by making minor changes it increased at 100%. I still need to get checked all the time, and Dr. S is even going to check out my liver during surgery but like I said, the liver processes everything you eat- so maybe when you start eating right it will get better.

DON"T GET DISCOURAGED MY DEAR- SMILE! It's finally happenning for you and it's going to be great!
on 10/25/08 11:23 am - Canada
Dearest Charline,

I completely understand that it ****** you off. To be honest, I wasn't on Dr. B's list very long so I can understand that seeing me go get surgery so qulckly would upsets you.

I was about to wait the five years just like everyone else, but I seeked alternative venues because of the wait. I was about to go out of province and self pay when I heard about Dr. S.

I believe everything happens for a reason. As for your health- I'm sorry about that. I know that the four year wait has made your health deteriorate.

Usually in order for something to get better- it needs to get at its worst. Unfortunately you were caught in the "worst" part but because of people like you, you have helped the system get better.

I bet it dosn't take the mixed feelings away, but the liver regenerates and you never know. I'm 26 and I have a liver condition too, since I"ve been 24. 

Who knows? maybe once you have this surgery, it will be less strain on your liver once you eat better and you'll get better.

I just stopped drinking and taking birthcontrol and my liver is alot better. It's a very strong organ.

Today I found out my cousin was going to see Dr. S. I got all pissed off about it until my hubby said: Monica, this surgery isin't all about you and he's right.

2008 was meant to be YOUR year Charline!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 10/25/08 12:10 pm

I can see how you would get frustrated with how things are getting easier and faster for those that wish to change their life -- After 2yrs just waiting for a consult I was getting thoroughly frustrated and almost gave up on it entirely , thinking all was lost and I'd always be stuck with this body, for better or worse..

Now that there is another doctor in NB and Medicare covers more and more surgeries, things will get better for everyone all around.

 Sorry that you had to wait so long dear :( ..

 "Better a late invitation than no invitation at all" .. I like to say sometimes!

on 10/25/08 1:03 pm - New Maryland, Canada
My negative feelings are not toward anyone getting in sooner than me. It's just that I had to wait so long and I am not nearly as healthy as I was when I went to see my Dr 4 years ago. I have developed neuropacy in my legs, I didn't have before. I have that crazy internal bleeding problem I didn't have before.  Now I have to live with both for the rest of my life.  It isn't that someone is lucky enough to get their surgery after a year or in a month. Good for them. But, dam, why couldn't I have been that lucky?  Why do we tolerate a Medicare system that will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars on caring for me  when I am ill, but would not spend what it would take to allow me to get the surgery I need, when I need it & be well?.  It's about my feelings, when I am reminded that I have been "cheated" out of 5 years of healthy life that I will never get back. Understand the distinction?  Hopefully, this negative reaction will disappear with the pounds, because my liver will get better (I hope) and I am praying that the numbness in my legs will improve too (even though I have been told that it won't)
Thanks for letting be B***H.  I would't and don't  begrudge anyone getting what I didn't. No point in another person having their health fail while waiting.


(deactivated member)
on 10/25/08 1:36 pm
On October 25, 2008 at 8:03 PM Pacific Time, Charline W. wrote:
My negative feelings are not toward anyone getting in sooner than me. It's just that I had to wait so long and I am not nearly as healthy as I was when I went to see my Dr 4 years ago. I have developed neuropacy in my legs, I didn't have before. I have that crazy internal bleeding problem I didn't have before.  Now I have to live with both for the rest of my life.  It isn't that someone is lucky enough to get their surgery after a year or in a month. Good for them. But, dam, why couldn't I have been that lucky?  Why do we tolerate a Medicare system that will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars on caring for me  when I am ill, but would not spend what it would take to allow me to get the surgery I need, when I need it & be well?.  It's about my feelings, when I am reminded that I have been "cheated" out of 5 years of healthy life that I will never get back. Understand the distinction?  Hopefully, this negative reaction will disappear with the pounds, because my liver will get better (I hope) and I am praying that the numbness in my legs will improve too (even though I have been told that it won't)
Thanks for letting be B***H.  I would't and don't  begrudge anyone getting what I didn't. No point in another person having their health fail while waiting.

Vent.. ***** whatever it takes :)

I realise it wasn't directed to others, I probably could have worded my previous reply better I think -- it's late and I don't put thoughts together all that well late in the evening *lol*

Medicare has and always will be a messed up system. At least now they are covering more types of WLS and people don't have to seek elsewhere for treatment outside of NB and pay it out of pocket...

on 10/25/08 2:00 pm - Fredericton, Canada
Charlene, You are right to be angry!  And it is good to vent! ...and it is clear you dont blame people..but man...it i very frustrating...these waiting lists in NB.

and if you read the US and UK sites...the same things happen all the time.  some people get in fast...some have to run through hoops and their health suffers...and they wait and wait...it is just totally not fair.

  I am just so glad for you that it is finally happening for you......thank god...and you will get your surgery soon...and 2009 is going to be your year!

Take care, and honey...you vent your little heart out.  That is what we are here for...and there is not one of us that would not be frustrated by waiting so long.

on 10/25/08 3:02 pm - NB, Canada, Canada
Hey Charline,

Great lunch yesterday, I had fun and next time we will try not to have the "little ears" of my 4 year old with us, so if you want to vent, scream, wail, etc there won't be any worry of trauma to him causing years of counselling down the road!!! LOLOLOLOL

Anyway, focus on the future ... your time is coming and there could have been a very good reason you needed to wait and may never know why God had this timeline/plan for you.

Shall I bring a Medicare voodoo doll to the next support meeting so you can release all the negative energy????  LOLOLOLOL

Take care my dear, and feel free to call anytime you need to vent!
Live, Love, Laugh - Life is short so enjoy today!
Michelle Clark  
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader 

      Angel to Charline (New Maryland) & Chrissy
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