
on 10/18/08 12:04 pm
Yes , its a date !!   We have a trailer out at the Bay & I sit inside & watch all the seniors do their walks everyday. I love to walk , but my back just kills me . I take Tramacet for the pain, but of course its not enough to kill the pain.
Now , I am thinking that by next summer I will be able to take a daily walk like everyone else.
No , you didn't tell me too much about the condition, I find it interesting .  I have never heard of it before , so I learned something new. 
I used to love to walk the beach , but that a nono for 2 years now.  It just got to be to much pain & tired legs  & laziness at the end ....just in a bad rut  & you know the rest.
We have a lot to look forward to , all good .  The few things we have to endure with this surgery should be a small sacfifice for the results we will have.
Talk soon....CITF
on 10/18/08 8:56 am - Fredericton, Canada
Welcome aboard...nice name by the way!!  I have a question that I hope you may be able to answer. You said you had an appt set up with Dr Savoie for Oct 30.  Do you know about when your family doctor sent the referral in?  My dr sent it in on Oct 8 and I sort of thought I would have an appt by now.  I may call Dr Savoie's offce on Monday to make sure they did receive it.  I'm starting to panic about everything now that the ball is rolling.....I'll be so glad when living is about living again and no longer focused on health issues every minute of every day.  Good luck!
on 10/18/08 11:51 am
Thanks Casey for the welcome .  
The answer to your question is that I am pretty sure that she faxed it to him about 2-3 wks ago. I got a call from the office on a Friday maybe the 17th Oct.  Im sorry , I am awful with dates unless I write them down . I just looked at ll my scribbling & there was no dates on anything .
I know it was fast . I really wasnt looking for a consul date that soon. I thought maybe 3-4 more weeks. i am HAPPY that its going so fast .
Im ready to start  the second part of my life on a different level ....healthier !   I know what you mean about being focused on heath issues all the time , everyday ....its no life .
I just hope that for some odd reason i  am not refused for the surgery. I can't think what that  will do to me.

This is weird....I was going to pick the phone up to call Dr. S's office to see if my doc had faxed my refferal ....and the phone rang before I got a chance too. When it rings in , it will have Dr  ? Bartlett name on it . 
SO GOOD LUCK  to you ...may everything go quickly for you . How long have you been waiting for this surgery ?  What have you chosen to have done .  
Talk soon....CITF
on 10/19/08 11:08 am - Fredericton, Canada
I haven't been waiting long.  I made the decision after researching it on the internet.  I just happened to come across the surgery suggestion as a way to help me with my diabetes.  I casually brought it up with my dr and he jumped all over it.  I thought he would flip out at me but he tells me he's had 2 patients who have already had the surgery and are doing wonderfully.  That was last June.  I asked right away for the referral but he wanted me to see the endocrinologist first since she has to make the referral.  Little did he know that she no longer is involved in the process but she highly recommended it for me.  With that support, I went back in Sept and asked once again for the referral from my GP.  He postponed it one more month waiting on some test results.  If he didn't refer me when I went back in Oct,  I was going sit in his office until it was done!  So from June to probably early next year is not a long time compared to the wait times I read about on this site.  I guess our timing is perfect.  I suspect the wait times will lengthen once everyone catches onto Dr S's existence.  I'm nervous but I'm going to call him tomorrow and make sure he did receive my referral!! Not taking any more chances!

By the way, I am going to opt for the lap band but may talk to him about other options.

Take care
on 10/19/08 12:23 pm
Hi Casey, that's good that you havn't been waiting for years. I have been thinking  about something for years, but was always discouraged by Drs. I think at that time there was only stomach stapling & the bowel bypass.  Then myself , I would always think I could always get it off by myself , what was wrong with me , other people could do it.
Them when I got diabetes it seemed to go crazy. Then the RA set in & worse again....I have never weighed so much in my life.
My Doc could see how much I was gaining all the time so she mentioned it to me , I jumped on it . She then made me a referral to an internest , now you don't need one . I am so happy that Dr. S is  here now . I can't believe  I go to see him next week.

Wish me LUCK  !!!!
on 10/20/08 11:30 am - Fredericton, Canada
Is your appt this week on the 23rd or next week on the 30th?  I go on the 30th at 2. Wouldn't it be neat if we could meet each other???  I'm a wreck worrying about the whole thing.  I almost feel like it's too soon.  I feel I need to look into a little more so it's an informed decision I'm making and not just relying on my doctors encouragement!  Oh well,  it's better than having to wait 5 years! Maybe we could go into surgery together and hold each others hand!%$&@* Talk soon!!
on 10/20/08 11:32 am - Fredericton, Canada
DAH!!!!!  I just responded to your response and then read your posting.  You ARE going the same day as me.....Oct  30th.   YEA!!!! (she says with a brave face!)   What time is your appt?
on 10/20/08 11:53 am
Hi Casey ....Yep on the 30th  !   The appointments can't be too long , because mine is at 1:30 PM ,   Sounds like they are only 1/2 long .
I'm sure that we will meet each other there for sure.   Who will I look for ??
I will be the morbibly obese blonde , short  & female , can't miss me .
Have you been on Utube can watch a lot of lapband procedures on there. I have watched many....I think I could do one (LOL) .
Keep looking ofr info on the net. Get all the info that you need ,so you don't do anything you are leery about .  
So , 30th here we come ..............good luck ........& see you there.
on 10/20/08 11:58 am - Fredericton, Canada
We'll know each other for sure.  I'll be there with my're more likely to recognize him than me.  He has a lovely beard and is usually cracking jokes and embarassing the heck out of me!!  I'll be the one he's dragging in to the dr's office, probably by my hair.  Can you believe I am that scared? Looking forward to seeing you!! 
on 10/21/08 9:51 pm
You will be fine Casey , I know it  !   I am nervous too.  BUT this is going to change my life in a good way , so I am excited too.
Is your real name Casey ??? Mine is Jessie .
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