
on 10/17/08 3:00 am
Hello Everyone .  I got my call for my consol with Dr. Savioe , on Tues. My app is on Oct 30th .
This is moving really fast, I like it that way. I have wanted to get it done for so long .  I was down on Dr B's list for a year  & was told its a 5-6 yr wait.  So I called Dr S's office , found out what I had to do (referal) , my doc sent it in right away.   I am excited , nervous .....cant wait to start a new section of life , one  that is easier to move around in & a lot  more healthier.
on 10/17/08 10:43 am - New Maryland, Canada
Welcome! I don't remember seeing you on the board before. Congratulation on you first appointment! Wow! you should have your surgery in the next couple of months. What procedure are you asking for?


on 10/17/08 11:14 am
Hi, that was my first post on this forum.  
Thanks for the congrats .  I am asking for the lapband . Its so much less invasive.
I have so many health  issues ...I am thinking that losing the weight will at least help with over half of them . Seems I've been dieting all my life  & getting nowhere. 
If I get my surgery around Dec or Jan.......I can hardly wait & See what I feel like next summer.
Have you had your surgery done yet ? What kind  are you having ? 
I am not taking my  name off of Dr. B's list until I go for consel with Dr. S.
on 10/17/08 12:59 pm - Canada

I've had my consult with Dr. S early in Oct. I am also having the lapband and I am very excited! Right now I am waiting for my date. I should be done in Dec or first week of January.

Welcome to the board- this place is  great!
on 10/17/08 8:46 pm
Thanks for the welcome Tears... congrats to you on your upcoming surgery too !!!   To me its like a new lease on life. I am so tired of carry ing around all this weight . It would feel so good to have some energy again.   I bet you are counting down the time until It's done.  Do you have to see the Dr. again before the surgery is done ?   The dietician would be a must , we have a lot to learn about how & what to eat ??   I'll be watching for your posts . Good Luck .
on 10/17/08 1:09 pm - New Maryland, Canada
I am having the lapband in the next couple of months. I am going to the UK at the end of November and that may put off my surgery. I don't want to be on a liquid diet when I am trying to keep up with my four (adult) children climbing around a castle. I would go tomorrow if it were possible. I can't change the trip because daughter number 2 is graduating.
I Have several comorbidities; diabeties, high blood presure, asthema,  acid reflux, a bad pancreas, heart issues, arthritis, and an issue with spontanius internal bleeding. Fun eh?  Dr B says that I will off insullin as soon as I go on the liquid diet.  Woo Hoo!
Do you live anywhere near Fredericton, we have a fun support group. You are welcome to join us.


on 10/17/08 8:56 pm
Congrats on the surgery !   What a lovely trip planned , you really wouldn't want to miss it .  How long have y ou been waiting for Dr. B ? 
I have several health issues too. Diabetes , thryoid, HBP,RA,& on & on .  It would be so great to be able to go  off the needle  wouldn't it . I wonder if we  will be able to permanently ??
I don't live near Fredericton , it would be fun to go to the support group.
on 10/18/08 4:14 am - New Maryland, Canada
I have been waiting 4 years. In that time I lost aweight, got sick  with the condition I have that causes me to bleed internally, almost to death, and gained the weight back plus. The problem was that I was so anemic that I couldn't walk 10 feet without being totally unable to take another step. Carbs gave me a brief burst of energy and I would fell OK for a short time. Nothing I did would improve my blood sugar, no matter how good I was, so I opted to feel OK more often. You would think that a person who sees a doctor every 3 months couldn't bleed to death and no one a clue what was going on.  It was about 20 months where I couldn.t exercise and craved carbs because I was so anemic. I had so little blood in me (lost 60%) that the last 2 nights at home I couldn't lie down without sufficating. Since getting my hemoglobin back to normal. my weight has stabilized in the mid 280"s and I have even lost a few pounds.  I think I am in control and something throws a wrench in the works.  Now I get chest pain ever time I exercise.  That is being investigated now. Something always messes up my weight loss. as if it;s not difficult enough.  You see why I am so fearful of failure. 
Dr B said that I may never need the needle again and that would be absolutely wonderful. Beside being a  pain in the B**t, insullin causes weight gain as do a lot of the meds I take. He also said that I could be medication free in a year.
Depression is another of my ills. Rates of depression are much higher for the morbidly obeise. I am praying that depression will go away for good when I slim down and with it one less thing driving me to eat.
We have a support group member who drives up from Moncton, if you live in that area, you might want to hitch a ride up with her. Would love to meet you.


on 10/18/08 4:43 am
I have never heard of the sickness that you have. It must be awfully scary at times. This surgery will be a God send if it gets you off most of the meds that your on.  That is what I wish for too. I take so many & it will only get worse as one gets older & cant afford them .
I would love to be able to exercise (walk) again.
I sit inside & look out the window at  all the seniors walking once or twice a day , they are rather frisky when they do  it too.  I  havn't been able to walk for a couple of years , my back is so painful, I can only stand for minutes at a time.
This week on Tuesday , I had a Thallium Stress Test in SJ.  What a time I had when they turned the treadmill up & I Had to walk that last minute when they injected the dye. I laid in a scanner for 45min . left to go eat dinner OR breakfast & was given an app to return.  I laid in the scanner for another 45 min . It was for my heart.   I had a lot of leg swelling this winter & spring.  I have an echo in Dec.  I hope that its all OK , & there is nothing to keep me from the surgery.
I know that if I can lost 100-150 lbs , my body would be so thankful !!!!
on 10/18/08 11:55 am - New Maryland, Canada
The condition is called arterial or cardiac displasia. It usually not seen in people under 70 years old. I am the youngist person my doctor has ever come across with it.  LUCKY ME!  It happens when the capillaries are damaged or stretched and the body has to build new connections between the veins and arteries. The new connections are weak and bleed easily.  When it was discovered, they gave me 4 units of compact red blood cells and that didn't bring me near normal. It brought me just a point over the level where they have to give you a tranfusion.  The only treatment is to take iron, check my blood monthly and have a transfusion if it drops too low.  It took just over a year to get up to normal.  More info that you wanted to know? Sorry about that!  :-D
I can't imagine not being able to walk. Then again I know that I am well on my way to just that. I love working in the yard and at my cottage. I have to do this so I can keep enjoying the outdoors. I am going to cheer you on, and a year from now, I am going to look you up and we will go for a long walk, with ease! Is it a date?


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