Preparing For Success

on 10/17/08 10:45 am, edited 10/17/08 10:46 am
 Hi, everyone!!

I have been thinking about this a lot lately, and I'm looking to find out what you all think.

What have you done - or if you haven't had the procedure yet, what are you planning on doing - to ensure that you are successful?  These are the things I'm reflecting on:

1. Exercise.  If you aren't active now, how are you planning on motivating yourself to get up and do some form of active movement?  Exercise is crucial; I believe that once I get 30 or 40 pounds off I will have more energy for more active exercise, but even before then I need to get off my @ss and do something that will break a sweat.

2. Thought process.  How are you going to work on thinking about food differently?  Are any of you considering therapy, or other forms of counseling?  How are you going to find support to deal with you own food issues?  Personally, I am actively seeking professional nutritionists and counselors who can guide me through these changes.  I can't do it alone - and there are people out there with so much to offer me.  Obviously I don't have all the answers, or I wouldn't be at this point.

3.  Eating habits.  Are you prepared to look at food completely differently?  Is anyone thinking that the band is going to do all the work?  I know that people can screw things up by making poor food choices (see the need for #2), and not following guidelines and recommendations even AFTER the band.  If we aren't "right" in the head when it comes to why we go to food to "self medicate" then how can we learn to be successful?

I have been doing a lot of reading online and off about weight loss with the band, and the more I read, the more I understand that it is a lot of work, and that our participation in the process is crucial.  I have no intentions of getting the band and lying back - waiting for it to work - and I realize that I have to make some serious changes.  I am SO scared of having the surgery, and then failing.  I want this to be the last shot - an opportunity I need to take seriously.

What are your thoughts on this??

on 10/17/08 12:20 pm - New Maryland, Canada
1- I will have to loose a bit of weight before I can really exercise. I have always been active, at least I was until an illness a year ago. Since then I have gotten just too heavey. Plus a am having some heart issues.  I love to exercise and go to the gym. I fore see other battles, but not exercise.
2-I just don't know how I am going to over come my food issues. I have stuck to diets for years then one slip and bam, it goes down the tube.  My one hope is that I never feel full for very long and the band should change that.
3-This one scares me. I am an emotional eater. I am very afraid of taking up another addiction. This
happens to WL patients at a higher rate than the general population.

I too am so afraid of failure. I am praying that the weight loss will help keep me on track. The danger zone for me is after the weight is gone and the self-esteem building compliments stop. What will I do the next time depression darkens my door?


on 10/17/08 12:53 pm - Canada
1. Exercise.  If you aren't active now, how are you planning on motivating yourself to get up and do some form of active movement?  I don't like to exercise, but I've done it to lose weight before so I'll do it again. I am thinking of getting Wii fit but I can't seem to find it. I would like a head start right now, Hopefully they'll get in stock soon. Since my consult I've been slowly implementing small changes to better adapt to this surgery.

2. Thought process.  How are you going to work on thinking about food differently? I currently already am in councelling and my cousin who has a bachelor in Nutrition is also helping me. My goal is that food is no longer important to me. I want it to be like going to the bathroom, a need but not an obession or pleasure.  I've been saying my goodbyes to most foods and I have made peace with the fact that they aren't even going to be part of my life again. I'm not scared, I'm just ready to move on.

3.  Eating habits.  Are you prepared to look at food completely differently? Well I already starting chewing. I've realized in the past couple of months that I don't chew my food. Now each portion that goes in my mouth, I chew at least 15 times. What I think will be the hardest for me is not drinking with my meals. This has been a habit of mine since I'm a child. The good thing is that my husband does not eat and drink at the same time. I hope that with his support I can overcome "washing down my food".

Overall, I'm getting educated and mentally prepared for this challenge. I don't want to be one of the failures and I won't be. The surgery is the easiest part, the rest is the hard part so that's what I have been preparing for. I know this is a complete life change- and i've thought long and hard and I'm ready for it.

Right now the hardest part for me is that i want to stay grounded. I'm only 26 and I want to make sure that psychologically, it dosn't change me, except for the better. I've known some girls who start sleeping around or switch their addiction to something else. I don't want to do this.
on 10/18/08 3:19 am
 Hi, ST!  :D

I too hate exercise.  But really, I think what I hate is how difficult it is the heavier I am.  When I wasn't as heavy, I wasn't the type to get out there and go for a run or anything, but I did really enjoy playing some sports, and going for hikes.  I'd love to get back to doing that.  I'd also really love to start running.  I've made that a personal goal.  Small steps!

I like to hear that there's someone else considering counseling!!  I think that it is just so important.  I really love to hear that committment, too.  It's a huge change for sure.
on 10/18/08 7:39 am - Canada
Thanks Anita!

I've actually been going to a psychiatrist for about 3 months, even before I knew the surgery was only months away!

It has helped me a great lot to realize why I eat inthe first place! I recommend it!

on 10/18/08 3:16 am
 I liked reading your thoughts on this Charline.  I wonder how many people are successful on the band alone, without getting any extra help with what got us in this position in the first place?  I'm scared that if I *don't* find that support to sort it all out that I will almost certainly fail.  I've lost weight before, but obviously it wasn't enough to keep me focussed, because here I am again.  I don't have enough faith in the band alone.  Like we all keep saying, it's just a "tool," not the end all, be all.

I am an emotional eater's tough, isn't it?

on 10/18/08 4:28 am - New Maryland, Canada
I know why I eat, so I am not planning to go to counselling, besides being in that business makes it awkward in a small town like Fredericton.  I am hoping that as the weight comes off, I will be more active because I like to exercise. As my meds are reduced my body will have less of a tendency gain or hold fat. When I am depressed, food is the only pleasure I feel. I am hoping weight loss will reduce depression and eating as the only way to feel real pleasure. Exersice reduces my appitite too. I just need to stay healthy.   I know I can be successful. but I also know I can be sabotaged or sabotage myself. Hence the fear of failure.


Krista C.
on 10/17/08 8:18 pm - Quispamsis, Canada
I think you are definitely going to succeed going into this with your mindset the way it is. Congrats, Anita!

Exercise is CRITICAL. If anyone asks me about my success, I will tell them point blank that I exercise ALOT and that it has made a huge difference. Yes, I have sagging skin and yes, if I could afford plastic surgery I would do something about it but I can't :) I think exercise has made a dfference in the sagginess as much as it can. I exercise for 2000 minutes each month (that's been my goal since January and I've met it every month). The key for me is to have a lot of variety. I'm an exercise HOUND now and it IS a part of my life.

With respect to food choices, I am not making the best ones now but  I will share with everyone that I was very compliant for the first 9 months of my lap band journey. I hit my first major goal of 199 by New Year's Eve and did hit my goal of 150 lbs by my one year bandiversary. I have been "sloppy" since April and moreso since hitting goal. I've gained about 8 lbs since then and need to get "clean" again. It is very easy to slide into old habits. I found in the first 9 months, I didn't let myself slide as often and felt much better. Yes, it takes willpower and committment. The band certainly helps but we still need to do our part as well. I was determined that I would not fail with this band as I felt this was my last chance.

With respect to counselling / advice, I think that's very smart. I haven't been to counselling in a long time but I know I always benefit from it and would again. I had access to email the dietician / nutritionist at Dr B's office and did from time to time but I know I could certainly do better in the food choice department at this point in my journey.

Your post speaks volumes. You know going into this what needs to be done and I have no doubt at all you will do it. Cheers!


on 10/18/08 3:24 am
 Thanks,'ve been very encouraging, and I like to read your profile here on OH.

I can't wait until I get back into the swing of exercise again.  It makes you feel SO GOOD.  It is hard to motivate yourself to exercise when everything hurts.  But, I still need to get out there, and committ to doing a little bit...even a little bit is good, right?  You can still find it difficult, or nearly impossible, and still do some kind of exercise.  I love to go on nature walks, especially this season!

I like what you say in your paragraph about food choices, and compliance.  It's obvious that even with the band we can make poor choices, and suffer the consequences of that...especially when we are so used to our old habits.  This is why I think it is so crucial to address these things...just having surgery isn't going to all of a sudden "cure" us in the sense that we're going to have new thought patterns!!  It's still the same old us, and the cues and triggers will still be there.  

Krista, I told myself that if I was going to do something so drastic, there was going to be no way in h3ll that I was going to mess it up.  I'm not going to rely 100% on a device to create the change.  If I'm going to put myself through surgery, I'm not going to make a fool of myself and screw it up.
on 10/18/08 12:22 pm
You sound so right on the money ,Anita . I also feel like this is my last hope . I know right now my brain has wanted to exercise all summer & I tried walking just a bit , from one trailer to another or to the hall & back , Sometimes I thought I could not make it , & I did have to sit on anyone steps until the pain subsided , just so that I could get home .
I am counting on the lap , losing weight .so that I CAN start walking (WOOHOO). I am sure that will be one huge benefit in keeping the weight off.
I am not an emotional eater ,  sometimes I find myslef not eating much at all , but sometimes I pig out too.   I have it in my mind that all the meds I take are  all contributaters to my problems.
I wm so willing to listen & Learn ...I want this to work for me .  It is not the easy way out , we still have to follow the patterns of success. 
Good Luck .....I have lots of Faith in your ability to win  !
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