Surgery types and your decision!
Hello Folks,
Ive been thinking alot (and thinking gets me into trouble) and I was wondering, what are the factors that made youdecide "I want the lapband" vs. the VGB or Bypass?
For those of who you choose the Bypass and VGB is it because you lose the weight faster? or because you dislike the idea of having a foreign object in you? or maybe it's because some statistic claim these surgeries to be more effective than the band in long term?
I guess I'm just wondering how you decided what surgery type was best for you?
I went for lapband for many reasons, listed below;
- One of my good friends had her band placed in 2005, she had been overweight since birth and lost all of her excess weight successfully. She's had no complications and loves her band.
- Recovery time- I have a fast pace carreer and simply did not want to be away from my office for too long.
- Less surgery risks. When my grandfather was in ICU prior to his death in 2004, a patient of Dr. B. almost didn't make it after a Bypass and her bed was besides my grandfather. It freaked me out.
-Reversible. I guess I'm scared to be interrupting my anatomy. I'm 26 and i'm scared of the effects it would have on me later on. I still face these fears with the lapband, but to know that it is potentionally reversible gives me relief.
- The tool factor. The band gives you the option of learning a whole new way to eat. It's like having a drill sageant in your stomach telling you "stop, you're full, you've had too much". If you start eating more, you can get it adjusted vs. other surgery options where your stomach can enlarge and there's nothing that can be done.
-The long term follow ups. I like the fact that a Dr. watches your progress closely.
-Pregnancy. I haven't had kids yet and I love the fact the band can be deflated so I can eat normally and not lose any important nutriments. I also love the fact that losing the baby weight will easier with the band. I know a bypass patient who got pregnant after two years and gained all her weight back.
Every one is different so I think it would be great for everyone to list the reasons they choose the surgery that was right for them.

362/305/250.6/160 (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
At first, I was h*ll-bent on getting the lap band, but the more I read about it, the more I thought that it may not be the procedure for me. I really want a vertical gastric sleeve, but I don't know if Dr. Savoie does that procedure or not. I think that if Dr. Savoie does the a lap RYN, I will get that procedure, because even though it's higher risk, and higher recovery time, I think that it would be the permanent kick in the butt that I need. I'm not sure though because it's ultimately something that the doctor and I both have to decide on.
And I wanted to add that I finally read your answer to my other post Scartears, in that Dr. Savoie does indeed do the VGS. YAYYYYYY!! I'm going to find out if I can get that done - it's basically a permanent lap-band, in that 80% of your stomach is taken away, and you're left with a little banana. Also, the part of the stomach that produces the hunger hormone is lopped away as well.