Meeting "minutes"
For those that were there tonight- what did you learn? I learned that post-op people can still eat and that lap bandsters don't have to cut their food to 1/4 inch pieces. 9 i know that the initial experience is different).
Can't wait for next month!
Made it back safe and sound to Moncton yesterday!
I was so glad I made the trip to join the "No Name Support Group"! lol It may have taken me a few extra minutes to locate the restaurant but truly felt after even a short period that we had known each other for years (actually is a life time for one ... )
I really appreciate the honesty everyone shared. Each of the 3 who have had a procedure already, answered questions, made suggestions and even drew pictures! We must remember to bring paper and crayons next time in case the other restaurant doesn't carry them. We had lots of fun and laughs while we talked about everything from food, health, family, and life in general.
Probably the biggest thing I learned was ... I am not alone. Everyone's struggle with weight loss is personal and making a decision for weight loss surgery can be a huge step. I have done a lot of research - online, with my family doctor, family and friends who have already gone through a procedure etc. Certainly, I still love this website with all the resources and support from hundreds of people, but the power of a face to face real support group of people with similiar goals is well worth the drive.
My hope is that out group will grow so that many more can have the fun and fellowship. My car pool offer still stands on the nights I drive up from Moncton ... and if there are any in the Moncton area that would like to get together here feel free to contact me!
Looking forward to the next gathering. Although it certainly won't be the same without claw - ... should I have a spare key, in case it snows and I need to sleep over, lol?
Take care everyone... Eat well, live well, be well
Happy Thanksgiving!
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader

Not for a couple of meetings, of course, but I think we should spread the joy! Wait a second......we run the risk of loosing a very nice founding member! On second thought, not a good idea!
Hope more come next time! Take the plunge, and if you perfer to be more descrete...dont worry...we didnt tell any one what our little group was.