Pre Op Diet
Well I have been on the pre op diet for a month.I was so concerned that I wouldnt lose any weight.Everytime I would eat a slice of bread or a tea cookie I was so worried I would gain weight.Well its been a month since I have been on it and I have lost 22lbs so far. My surgery is scheduled for April 18th I hope the weight keeps coming off.Wish me luck!
Did you read my earlier post about the change in the approval procedure? You no longer need to be pre-approved by Medicare, only by Dr. B. When I called the office, the receptionist didn't know the effect this change will have on the waiting list or how we are going to cued up. The individual effect will depend on what they decide. On the up side, there have been 2 WLS in Halifax that I have heard of very recently. There are 2 new surgeons in Halifax. This should have a very positive effect on the wait list. The receptionist told me to call back in late April, but I may call sooner than that.
No I have not had surgery. I have been waiting 3 years to see Dr McGbbons. Of course, that will no longer be necessary.