Anyone from NB been approved for surgury in the USA due to wait time??
Anyone from NB been approved for surgury in the USA due to wait time?? I am on a form in Ontario and this is something that is quite regular there. everyone is battling with OHIP to get approved for bypass ... RNY being done at henry ford and barics clinics in micighan.
i am just wondering what kind of wait times i am looking at going through Moncton. i heard it was 5 years and 800 people.
Hi Paul - I'm pretty sure our health coverage will not cover surgery in the US. I have a friend who had in done in Ontario in June and Medicare did approve it but it would have had to be at a hospital rather than a private clinic. I'm not sure what the wait times are like for Ontario hospitals.
I hadn't heard it was 5 years for Dr B - that sucks. I know he has an intern studying with him now so perhaps there is hope for a second doctor in the region. I waited 3 years start to finish to get in for mine.
Wishing you well.
Hi Paul,
My wait was just over 3 years. I dont' think you could expect anything shorter than that these days... as for getting approved for the States,,, can't see it happening, as people are having a hard enough time getting approved for here... Hopefully the intern that is studying with Dr. B, will be able to take some of the caseload from him eventually and that might speed things up! Good luck with your quest!
That is another option for sure, although self pay probably will be a last resort for me. I feel that some people in my family may think it selfish to spend that kind of money on myself, even though it would benifit everybody.
Anyways, thanks again for any help you can offer. this is the start of my journey and all info is good info at this point.
Do you know the name of the doctor here in Freddy that refers people and helps with the approval process? Thanks again,

Dr McGibbon is the only doctor in Freddy who makes the recommendation to Medicare re payment for the surgery. I have been waiting since Nov 2005 and she will see me sometime this year. Your family doctor refers you to both Dr McGibbon & Dr B., but Dr B will only put you on his waiting list after you have been approved by Medicare. If you opt for lapbanding, you have to pay 4500.00 for the devise even if you are approved by Medicare. The thing to emphasize in the referals is the difficulty you have had in lossing weight, the attempts you have made to loss weight and that have all ultimately failed. This and health complications are what Medicare is looking for.
Thank you so much. This is a step in the right direction. I will see my doc on monday and start the ball bounching. I am sure medicare will pay for out of country service too. I am gonna press for that. 3months is what folks in Ontario are waiting from consult to surgury. They are going acrcoss to Detroit and having it done. OHIP is footong the bill for full gastric bypass ... not lapband though.
3-5 years is a crazy long time. I am patient but this is nuts.
thanks all