Surgery is deffinately a go
I had my one week appt yesterday. I only seen Lise, Dr B wasnt there . He went over my tests with her however and said everything was perfect on them. According to their scales I've lost an additional 4.5 lbs
So she said that it was deffinatly a go and she'll see me next week!
but I still have to behave

That is great Charity! I am excited to hear all about it!
You are doing great losing weight before your surgery too!
Was that the most stressful thing....wondering if it was going to be a go or get cancelled. I find I think about that now, even though I am still waiting for my appointment for my 3 week tests.
I am excited for you!

yeah it really was stressful.. especially the time between the 3 week appt and the one week appt.. it was just like holy hell am i gonna lose the 5 lbs.. what if I dont and they postpone it... :S That would really suck! But Im glad i did and she was happy with the numbers and dr b was happy with my test results. LOL she claims I'm healthy HAHA
so now just to wait til next tuesday!
So was mine...up until this morning when they called to say that they wanted me to lose more weight. My surgery date was May 15 and that was just taken away from me after such a looooooong wait. I'm thoroughly discouraged right now and maybe even thining that I will just forget about it...go through my life with my co-morbidities and die at an early age. I was looking for this as the surgery that would give me my life back. I was fully prepared...bought all the necessary things to get my food pureed and other things like that. I don't know...I just feel like crying big cow tears right now after so much anticipation and preparation went into this. kicked to the back of the bus. Nothing new.
Depressed in Moncton!