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Topic: RE: support group in glendive area
On July 15th at 6 pm in the Glendive Medical center in the Carney conference room we will be hosting our first WLS support group meeting. this is free to anyone who has had or is having weight loss surgury, If you are thinking about having WLS and have questions or concerns please attend and we will do our best to help you or fnd the answers.
Please invite your spouse or friend or neighbor to attend as well
Ron and troy
Please invite your spouse or friend or neighbor to attend as well
Ron and troy
Topic: RE: WLS Lunch - Saturday, June 12th

(36 pounds lost before surgery)
Surgery 2-3 cc, 1st fill 2 cc, 2nd fill 1 cc, 3rd fill .7cc
Lunch was great with Vinca and Ron. Shopping was even better!
We'll definitely be doing this again soon :-)
We'll definitely be doing this again soon :-)

(36 pounds lost before surgery)
Surgery 2-3 cc, 1st fill 2 cc, 2nd fill 1 cc, 3rd fill .7cc
Topic: WLS Lunch - Saturday, June 12th

(36 pounds lost before surgery)
Surgery 2-3 cc, 1st fill 2 cc, 2nd fill 1 cc, 3rd fill .7cc
Anyone in the Billings area is welcome. 
Several people are meeting on Saturday for an impromptu lunch and get-together.
Saturday, June 12th @ noon
Soup & Such on Main Street in the Heights
We'd love to meet new people. Please chime in and let me know if you'll join us. It's nothing formal, it's just nice to chat with people who've been there, done that and share ideas of what works and what doesn't.
Should be lots of fun!

Several people are meeting on Saturday for an impromptu lunch and get-together.
Saturday, June 12th @ noon
Soup & Such on Main Street in the Heights
We'd love to meet new people. Please chime in and let me know if you'll join us. It's nothing formal, it's just nice to chat with people who've been there, done that and share ideas of what works and what doesn't.
Should be lots of fun!

(36 pounds lost before surgery)
Surgery 2-3 cc, 1st fill 2 cc, 2nd fill 1 cc, 3rd fill .7cc
Topic: RE: support group in glendive area
Had my six month and all is well, the first time in years that all my blood work came back in the normal ranges,, what a good feeling,, I do not know of anyone going there but if I hear I will let you know
Had my six month and all is well, the first time in years that all my blood work came back in the normal ranges,, what a good feeling,, I do not know of anyone going there but if I hear I will let you know
I agree that in every medical experience there are both ends of the spectrum. My heart goes out to you for what you are going through. I agree, supplement and find that person who can treat you for the symptoms. Don't stop till you do. My prayers are with you.
Topic: RE: support group in glendive area
Hi Ron, How are ya bud, I sure have enjoyed seeing you in Miles Town the last couple of months. You look incredible. You already go to Great Falls for your 6 month? I need someone to go to Ryan's Cash and Carry and get me stuff for my protein shakes if you hear of anyone going that way would you let me know?
Thanks, Carrie Beach
Thanks, Carrie Beach
Topic: support group in glendive area
Troy and I are starting a support group in glendive, we just finished our training, and will be setting up our first meeting,,
any one with questions or ideas please contact me
ron N
any one with questions or ideas please contact me
ron N
Topic: RE: Area support groups?
Tyna, It was so good to see you and Vinca tonight, You have done a great job with the band you look great. I hope to see you and others next month. Keep in touch I will be watching for more posts. See you soon. Debbie
Topic: RE: 5 yrs out/severe health issues due to this mutilating surgery
Honey, I'm so sorry you're dealing with this.
If you're losing your eyesight, please start taking Dry Vitamin A. Please. You're probably not absorbing it if you're only getting it in the form of beta carotene. You need the retinol palmitate (I think that's what it is - see Vitalady for it!). Hopefully it can be reversed.
Also, I'll second the comment about getting the Dry D-3. That should be so much better for you, plus it's just powder inside a capsule, so you could even break it open and just sprinkle it on your tongue so you wouldn't have to take a pill, you know?
Huge hugs to you. I hope things get better for you.
If you're losing your eyesight, please start taking Dry Vitamin A. Please. You're probably not absorbing it if you're only getting it in the form of beta carotene. You need the retinol palmitate (I think that's what it is - see Vitalady for it!). Hopefully it can be reversed.
Also, I'll second the comment about getting the Dry D-3. That should be so much better for you, plus it's just powder inside a capsule, so you could even break it open and just sprinkle it on your tongue so you wouldn't have to take a pill, you know?
Huge hugs to you. I hope things get better for you.
~ Sarah P.
Ask me about pregnancy after the Duodenal Switch!
They're here! My surro-sons were born July 21, 2009. Welcome to the world, Benjamin and Daniel. We love you very much!
Well, the good news is that the kind of complications Amy has so powerfully described are at the far end of a "bell curve" of results. The majority of people who have WLS will lose at least 50% of their excess weight and will--assuming they know how to take vitamins and get lab work done once in a while to make sure they aren't malnourished--have no particular issues.
HOWEVER, notice that there are several caveats implicit in that statement: (And Amy, if you are reading this, I am in no way implying that you are guilty of ANY of this, okay?)
1. You must be compliant with the rules for living with your surgery. This means not just diet and exercise, but SUPPLEMENTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!! eleventy!!!!!! And getting labs done regularly, at least twice a year, and NOT trusting some doctor to say, "Oh all is well" and waltzing off on your merry way, throwing back a couple of Flintstones and a calcium pill.
You see, doctors go by the medical model, which is to look for "disease" and then treat it. When you're talking about nutrition, this means that they look for deficiencies and disorders (if they're smart and you're lucky to find someone who has a clue about the subject at ALL) and will then try to "treat the disorder." MAYBE. But the other side of that coin is that in the, oh, maybe 6 credit hours they got as undergrads about nutrition, they got drummed into their skulls that too much of a nutrient is "poisonous" and they were indoctrinated to be afraid of going to "excess."
BUT.....The definition of "excess" in almost all nutrients is a nebulous thing in any case, AND once you add malabsorption to the mix, the rules about "excess" totally go out the window. This is a young science, this bariatric medicine, and frankly, NOBODY really knows what we truly need in general once we have malabsorption-causing procedures. Give it another 50 years and things will look very different. But right now you and I (and Amy and everyone else) are guinea pigs. Basically research subjects, if we are so fortunate as to be connected to someplace that is collecting data about us and thinking about it within the parameters of good scientific method.
(Um, you have to sign a consent form and participate knowingly in such research. Did you do that? I didn't think so. Neither did I. So guess what? NOBODY knows or gives a **** about our experiences except us.)
Therefore, guess what? NOBODY is going to advocate for good health for us in our oddball altered states except US. I'm sorry to say this so harshly, because I realize that this is new to you and probably really terrifying, but my goal is to educate and inform, not to give happy hugs and say everything will be wonderful forever. You must, MUST MUST MUST, learn how to read your lab results and how to adjust your supplementation to make your nutritional status better. You CANNOT rely on any doctor to do this for you.
There is one source I recommend for post bariatric nutrition information: Michelle Curran, . Doctors around the country both love and despise her, because she's "just a salesman/vitamin hawker" to some, and "a fabulously devoted patient and health advocate" to others. She and her husband Don have been living with super distal RNYs for over 15 years and they know their stuff. If you want to be super meticulous about supplements, then get on her program and stay there. Not everyone needs everything she recommends, but IMNSHO it's money well spent.
2. You got gut surgery, not brain surgery. You need to work on your mind. You need to understand that this is NOT about getting skinny and Hollywood hawt. It's about making very obese people less obese and therefore saving lives. So you need to divorce yourself from the scale, from certain clothing sizes and from the images that surround you of skinny sexy hawtness. You need to learn to love yourself. Not just accept. Not just tolerate. LOVE, with great passion and power. The kind of passion and power that transcends appearance and every other sensory perception about yourself. Use any road that will give you that great, marvelous, passionate self love for the greatest percentage of your life. Because if you KNOW you are loved without reservation, you will be powerful and wonderful and generous to all of humanity a whole lot more than if you are trying to be a "good girl" while believing that you basically suck. This is a much bigger battle than the battle with the scale.
HOWEVER, notice that there are several caveats implicit in that statement: (And Amy, if you are reading this, I am in no way implying that you are guilty of ANY of this, okay?)
1. You must be compliant with the rules for living with your surgery. This means not just diet and exercise, but SUPPLEMENTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!! eleventy!!!!!! And getting labs done regularly, at least twice a year, and NOT trusting some doctor to say, "Oh all is well" and waltzing off on your merry way, throwing back a couple of Flintstones and a calcium pill.
You see, doctors go by the medical model, which is to look for "disease" and then treat it. When you're talking about nutrition, this means that they look for deficiencies and disorders (if they're smart and you're lucky to find someone who has a clue about the subject at ALL) and will then try to "treat the disorder." MAYBE. But the other side of that coin is that in the, oh, maybe 6 credit hours they got as undergrads about nutrition, they got drummed into their skulls that too much of a nutrient is "poisonous" and they were indoctrinated to be afraid of going to "excess."
BUT.....The definition of "excess" in almost all nutrients is a nebulous thing in any case, AND once you add malabsorption to the mix, the rules about "excess" totally go out the window. This is a young science, this bariatric medicine, and frankly, NOBODY really knows what we truly need in general once we have malabsorption-causing procedures. Give it another 50 years and things will look very different. But right now you and I (and Amy and everyone else) are guinea pigs. Basically research subjects, if we are so fortunate as to be connected to someplace that is collecting data about us and thinking about it within the parameters of good scientific method.
(Um, you have to sign a consent form and participate knowingly in such research. Did you do that? I didn't think so. Neither did I. So guess what? NOBODY knows or gives a **** about our experiences except us.)
Therefore, guess what? NOBODY is going to advocate for good health for us in our oddball altered states except US. I'm sorry to say this so harshly, because I realize that this is new to you and probably really terrifying, but my goal is to educate and inform, not to give happy hugs and say everything will be wonderful forever. You must, MUST MUST MUST, learn how to read your lab results and how to adjust your supplementation to make your nutritional status better. You CANNOT rely on any doctor to do this for you.
There is one source I recommend for post bariatric nutrition information: Michelle Curran, . Doctors around the country both love and despise her, because she's "just a salesman/vitamin hawker" to some, and "a fabulously devoted patient and health advocate" to others. She and her husband Don have been living with super distal RNYs for over 15 years and they know their stuff. If you want to be super meticulous about supplements, then get on her program and stay there. Not everyone needs everything she recommends, but IMNSHO it's money well spent.
2. You got gut surgery, not brain surgery. You need to work on your mind. You need to understand that this is NOT about getting skinny and Hollywood hawt. It's about making very obese people less obese and therefore saving lives. So you need to divorce yourself from the scale, from certain clothing sizes and from the images that surround you of skinny sexy hawtness. You need to learn to love yourself. Not just accept. Not just tolerate. LOVE, with great passion and power. The kind of passion and power that transcends appearance and every other sensory perception about yourself. Use any road that will give you that great, marvelous, passionate self love for the greatest percentage of your life. Because if you KNOW you are loved without reservation, you will be powerful and wonderful and generous to all of humanity a whole lot more than if you are trying to be a "good girl" while believing that you basically suck. This is a much bigger battle than the battle with the scale.