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Here are some sites that sell protein in sample sizes for 99 cents to $1.99:
You can even get some on eBay. I've gotten a few great deals. E-mail some of the protein companies directly and request freebies (mention you are a bariatric patient) I've scored some this way too. That way you can try them before you commit to a big old tub and find out you hate it. Hope this helps, ~Michelle
Hi- this is an UPDATE for all State Employees !!!! Just in case you haven't seen or heard about this lately!! The SEGBAC is looking to APPROVE adding back a surgical option for the treatment of obesity for the year 2008!! I know it's about time, look for info in the MINE website under Employee Self Service and the health and wellness area, go to SEGBAC in the left hand column and look on the page that comes up for the BARIATRIC BENEFIT ANALYSIS. I am so happy that they have heard us and they are doing something about it! It state on the analysis that they have had numerous requests for this....WHERE ARE ALL YOU PEOPLE?????? Sure would be nice to hear from you! Let's get together and talk! Diane
Miles City, MT