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My family has been more or less fending for themselves, although I was starting to hear the comment "Oh it must be help yourself night" routinely. But I am finding as I'm feeling better and getting my own food requirements lined up I've been more inclined to plan / help or assist with meals. My hubby is a cook, but has a mixed schedule of eves and days. So it's not like I have to worry about everyone starving...he usually makes dinner if he's home. I did make that turkey chili and didn't have any ill effects. Chew chew chew...and it really filled me up. In fact I was disapointed I couldn't eat more. Such a strange concept!
I too came from the club of clean plates! And unfortunately that has also been instilled in our family, which I'm TRYING to get over. Leftovers is another biggee. I am starting to realize it's not my JOB to make sure the leftovers get eaten (or eat them myself). What can I say? I work for the State, we're poor, lol...
Sounds like your Dr. has different follow up as well. I'm not to see my Dr. for my 1st follow up till Aug 20th (6 weeks after surgery). Not sure how often after that, guess I'll find out. I do not want to travel there in the dead of winter! When we went over for our consult in February the roads were horrible (and we lived to tell it)!
I had itchy incisions but that's all gone now. Everything is all healed now. The kids thought that was "cool" they used superglue rather than stitches (I hope they don't get any wierd ideas). I really believe the exercise has helped with my recovery. Maybe losing weight will help with the knee pain. Wouldn't that be nice? I had a lot of edema in my legs and feet, and was surprised that it has vitrually disapeared since my surgery.
Enjoy your last week off! Let me know how the follow up appt. goes

Welcome to the board! This board is kinda like a Ghost Town at times, you have to be patient, but this is a good place to start looking for people to start a support group, I would just keep up the postings. I know the Bariatric Clinic in Great Falls has a monthly support group, if you don't mind that beautiful drive, I think it's the last Thursday of the month, check out the clinic on , I believe. Also, the Center for the Treatment of Obesity at St. Pat's in Missoula, they have regular support groups. I think I would like a support group to but Helena, is an hour and a half away. Hope this helps!

Congratulations! It will be here before you know it! Good Luck on your journey with your new tool to help you become a healthier, thinner and more fashionable you! That's terrific!
Keep us posted!!

You sound like you are getting the hang of this! You get to eat Tuna? Yummmmm. I can only dream.....I have scrambled myself an egg and almost ate the whole thing. It was so yummy!! I hope that wasn't too bad for me, I look forward to adding Tuna and I'm gonna try cottage cheese again, it's been many (20?) years since I tried it but I didn't like it back then.
You DO NOT look old enough to have a teenage daughter!! I had to read that sentence twice! Good for you with the swimming! And the walking!! I have yet to get a walking regime started, I know bad me, before surgery I was taking Voltaren for my knees, they just were hurting and my legs felt like they were 50 lb. tree trunks, so the doc gave me this stuff to try, it's a pain reliever for arthritic knees, I don't think I have arthritic knees, but it worked, well I quite taking it the day before surgery and it was Tuesday after surgery and weaning off the pain pills when I noticed my knees hurt and my legs felt like tree trunks again. So I started taking it again, so, now it's Saturday and finally it's kicked in and my knees don't hurt as much, so I guess now it's time to start walking!
oh, BTW, I didn't get your email while I was in the hospital, they sent it to me printed out on paper and I got it the Monday after I came home! Thank you for your well wishes and good thoughts!
My follow up appt. is this Monday the 4th, and then I think it's monthly after that? I'm not sure.
I'm hoping to be moved off the liquids to soft diet for two weeks when I see her on Monday.
How are your incisions? My belly itches!! They seem to be healing quite nicely, my doc used a DermaGlue did yours?
That's a great last paragraph you wrote, it says alot, all things I can really relate too. I think the best thing this surgery has done for me is make me not feel hungry and limits the amounts I can eat, (when something tastes good I have to eat it all). I never have been a junk food eater, I like an occasional desert, it's just been overeating the really good stuff that has led me down this road. I think my biggest battle is going to be with Head Hunger, and just working through some of the issues like, it's okay, I know it's good but you can make it again....and you really don't have to eat all the leftovers...and clean your's gonna take some work! Wednesday my daughter mentioned how she is missing my cooking,(my two teenagers are fending for themselves) and she said "remember that Chicken Bacon Ranch you made?" Of course I did! Well, I thought about it all day Thursday, I couldn't get my mind off of it, so I went to the store in the afternoon, got everything I needed, came home and made it, the kids loved it, and I didn't have to think about it anymore. And, No , I didn't even have to eat any of it, that was the really good part! So, I know this is a journey, one day at a time..
I have one more week before I go back to work and I think I'll try to do six hour days for a week or two to build up my endurance, that's one thing I'm finding, it's taking me a lot longer to bounce back then it did when I had my c-section when I was thirty! It's hell getting old!! LOL
I am trying to figure out what to do at work, sometimes I'm in the office all day, sometimes I'm in the field, driving around looking at houses. I guess I'll need to pack a cooler and get a lot of little containers! For my tuna!! Can you tell, I love Tuna ? oh, and egg salad!! and chicken salad!!
I gotta say, I'm looking forward to the weight-loss, but I'm also looking forward to being to eat a little more normally!! That's bad isn't it???
Any chance you'll be at the doc's on Monday too? my appt. is at 11.
Talk to you later!

Hi ya!
I agree! If we keep growing like this lol we will have to find a bigger coffee house!!
Congrats on walking around the block twice!! That's wonderful!! Going to be freaky hot today. I am ready for Fall! 100? That's just wrong lol.
Have a SUPER day!!
Felicia =0)
Total Loss To Date: -262lbs
Accept responsibility for your choices and actions.
Believe that you're worth the time and the effort.
Commit and don't quit until your dreams come true.
I love Wednesdays! This group is great and it's always a treat to have a night out. It still amazes me how it's all informal yet everyone gets their questions asked and answered. I sometimes just laugh to myself when I realize how many different conversations are going on at once. Then I feel bad when I'm in the middle of a conversation and get side tracked because something else catches my ear from another conversation. LOL
Hey! I walked around the block twice today :-)