Recent Posts

on 7/10/04 2:30 pm - St. Paul, MN
Topic: Kricket is attending Wausau, WI on July 17th !!!!!
I'm tired tonight, but will post more tomorrow. I hope to see you all there! Love ya! :kiss: Photo Processing Manager - [email protected]
Bridgette P.
on 7/10/04 3:14 am
Topic: Technical Problem with the BMI Calculator on your profiles
Hello AMOS Members: We wanted to update you and let you know that our IT team is currently working to rectify the problem with the BMI Calculators on your profiles. Currently, all BMI's are incorrect due to a technical problem. Estimated time of resolution is unclear at this time, but they do hope to have it fixed today. Thank you for your patience.
Ronda E.
on 7/7/04 5:57 am - Tustin Ranch, CA
Topic: What I Wish My Surgeon Told Me
Do you think your surgeon could have told you more about wls before your surgery? Do you think you were fully prepared for the surgery? Bariatrics Today (TM) our newest magazine which is targeted for bariatrics surgeons would like surgeons to know how you feel. If you have a comment about something your surgeon should have told you but didn't please write it in 30 words or less and send your comment to Ronda Einbinder, Assistant Editor, [email protected]. Remember, your comments can help all those preops who are just beginning their wls journey. :type:
Ronda E.
on 7/6/04 4:57 am - Tustin Ranch, CA
Topic: Have your tried New Eating Dental Device?
ObesityHelp Staff Reporter Nikki Johnson is looking for people who have tried the DDS System to share their experiences. If you have used or are planning to use the device and would like to be interviewed for a possible story, please contact Nikki by email at:[email protected]. :type:
Darlene C.
on 7/6/04 3:34 am - Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
on 7/5/04 2:17 pm - Calgary, Canada
on 7/5/04 1:16 pm - San Antonio, TX
Ronda E.
on 7/5/04 9:48 am - Tustin Ranch, CA
Topic: Looking for Teens To Tell Their Story
If you are a teen, or the parent of a teen, who has had or is considering weightloss surgery and you are are willing to share your thoughts and experiences with our readers, please contact ObesityHelp staff reporter, Barbara. She can be reached at (866) 957-4636 ext 378, or at [email protected]:type
on 6/30/04 11:44 pm - San Antonio, TX
Topic: What would you do if a politician could help you????
Hi Friends! It's me again, your trusty pest, continuing to ask you for info that will aid in my lobbying the government on a local, state and national level to eliminate obesity discrimination AND to make insurance coverage for surgical weight loss a mandatory benefit. Even though I'm in Alabama I am working to lobby all 50 states. It's pay it forward time..........can you please, please help me by answering this question. If you could sit face to face with anyone in power and make a difference.....what would you say to them about WLS and how it will change or has changed your life? Hugs, Rona Your Bari-Godmother
on 6/30/04 9:23 am - St. Paul, MN
Topic: Reply to Shannon and Everyone Else
Hello Shannon and everyone else too! I'm sorry the pic was changed back. I know we have been backed up and the volunteers who have been helping have been putting in long days, over 12 hours on some, to help me get caught up again. I'm recuperating, but only three weeks out of PS and still sore and needing pain pills... not as often as a week ago, but they're still there for muscle spasms and such. The volunteers have been great.. taking over email for me and trying their best to keep up w/ everything.. all deciding they didn't want my job. :-). They've seen how hectic and busy it really is. I don't know why the pics were changed back. I haven't been able to check email for the last 24 or more hours as I've been collecting photos for the magazine for our B&A section.. or it wasn't going to be added. I didn't want that. I want to show off the success... YOUR success. Yesterday, over ten hours to get what was needed, my deadline being tonight. One of my volunteers had just got home from being gone for a few days.. and jumped right in to help me. Today, I've been going for 9 hours. I'll be going out for dinner.. and back on when I get back. I have volunteers who have been doing the same. I'm not complaining... just explaining that we aren't sluffing on you, but working our hardest to get to your requests as quickly as possible. Volunteers.... these people are doing this for FREE. They also have jobs and families, etc. It's also summer time. They don't deserve to spend it all in front of the PC. Some are having surgeries. Some are sick. Some are taking vacations. It's summer time. I want them to enjoy it and thank them for what they do, not reprimand them for what they can't do. The ones who are sick, I'm demanding they take needed time off. They don't get paid and I know many of you donate to the site, for that we're very grateful, but other than that, this is a free service. You don't pay monthly fees. So, please understand. Some might get sent in later then others, but get done sooner. If that sooner one is in box A, but they weren't able to get to their box for a few days, then box Bs will get done sooner. We have been trying to keep up on the boxes. If the pics in Box A sit longer then a week, two volunteers have been grabbing those older pics and doing them, instead of having them sit. They don't have to do this. They are doing it for me and AMOS, but they're also doing it for YOU.. or they wouldn't care how long the pics sat and didn't get worked on. We are training in a couple new volunteers now. This won't happen overnight. We're hoping to be caught up soon. Also, the new trainees... aren't always experts. If something isn't right w/ the pics.. please email photos, don't go complaining on boards. I might not see the email for a few days, but I WILL see it and get back to you. If I miss it.. send it again. I WILL get to you. Well, I'm back to solving the problems w/ pics. You all have a great day and remember.. you're all special to me and AMOS. If you want to possibly appear in the B&A section of the magazine, please send your approval forms in... or if you don't.. send it in w/ your choice. To find this.. sign into your profile and click on Reaching Out... Love ya! :kiss: Photos Processing Manager - [email protected]
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