Overseas surgery???
Yes, I had my DS done IN Curitba Brazil by a wonderful surgeon named Dr. Marchesini and here is his website: www.drmarchesini.com
It tells you ALL that you want to know and more.
I'd do it again in a heartbeat and HIGHLY recomend it to everyone knowing that we are all entiltled to our own decisons.
Just my 2c
Deb in GF

Hi Rita
I also went out of the country for my surgery - not as far as Deb though.
My trip was to Hermosillo Mexico with Dr. Ungson.
You are correct, it is less expensive, as much as $20,000 less, which is important if you are a self pay.
The important thing is - if you choose Spain, Brazil or Mexico - none of us felt that any of our care was substandard - if anything, I felt that I got MORE attention from not only my surgeon, but the internist and the anesthitist as well - maybe more attention to detail than in any hospital setting I've had here in the states.
There is a lot of information on this site so good luck on your investigation.
dianne k
I was just checking your profile and your husband will *love* Dr. Bentzel.
I think he is the best surgeon EVER. I requested him, had my best friend request him and now all the people I work with who are pursuing the surgery (3 others) are also requesting him. =) The other guy is good too, but Dr. Bentzel is da' bomb! He is "the god of skinny"!! LOL! Plus he is incredibly cute... not that your husband will care... but you yourself can look. *wink wink*
Good luck to both of you with your upcoming surgeries, it is hard first afterwards - but it get's much easier and the rewards are very very worth it. I'd do it over again 50 times.
Take Care!
Aims McB