Hi, I'm a Californian (for now) and my husband and I are discussing moving to MT...either Clyde Park, Livingston, or Willsall....(my family is already up there). I am a pre-op and have begun the LONG waiting process for surgery with my insurance company here in CA. If we move I will have to start over...and am ready to get this done NOW...I was wondering if any of you have paid CASH for this surgery, and if so did you have to wait any length of time, go through classes, etc. Most importantly, the COST? Any info would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Laura
You're right - there is not a lot of activity on the MT boards, but it goes along with not alot of people here having had surgery.
I was self pay - went to Mexico. My BMI was 39.9 (or around there) - but if it's your money you don't have to
the insurance company.
I'm not familiar with the towns that you mentioned - I know that surgery is done at St. Patricks in Missoula - my local PCP has suggested that I go their support group - but it's just too far - 1 1/2 hours each way for me. Good luck in checking out your options. More info on my trip to Mexico is on my profile - or if you have any questions you can e-mail me.
Oh yeah - I've only been here since last November - grew up in So. Ca.
dianne k

Hi Laura, I'm a transplant from Ca too. Moved here 15 years ago and will never move back! I just got my paperwork from the Mt Treatment Center for Obesity at St. Pat's in Missoula, cash payment for the procedure is 23,000. That doesn't cover everything, like the gas passer and blood tests. Hope this helps! If you enjoy wide open spaces and no traffic, you'll love it up here!
Diane B
Hi Laura L,
I had really good insurance to cover my surgery and pre op stuff... but all together in Billings it costs about 25,000 not sure if they have any kind of discount for a total lump sum cash payment.
I had to go through classes and support groups, but it only takes about a month total.
Good luck!