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Hi everyone! Just got back home last night---I'm on the "other side"! I was suppposed to show up at 9 am, didn't get into surgery till 11 am. Don't know if that's typical, but sure was a long wait.
I am NOT going to lie...I felt pretty rough when I woke up from surgery. I really didn't expect to feel that bad. I also had my gallbladder removed, as I already had galls stones. I did what I was told; walked even though I didn't feel like it and used the spirometer like they instructed. Had some issues with a few low O2 sats, so by the time I was ready to be discharged, they thought I should have some oxygen set up at home during the night. We stopped at Walgreen's before leaving town and got my prescriptions filled. I did not want to get home late and find myself without pain medication until the next day. I am using oral Lortab every 4 hrs as directed. I also got phenegran for naseau, but haven't needed that since getting home. The ride home was tolerable, but not pleasant (as predicted). Coughing definately hurts. Be sure you have a pillow and are hugging it tight if you know you're about to cough.
Staff were very nice and helpful, but rather busy. I did as much as I could for myself. The second night I did have to request they coordinate their rounds / vitals so I could get a block of sleep. Otherwise someone was in bothering me every 1 1-1/2 hrs. There were two nurses in particular I was glad to meet, both had had gastric bypass and talked about their experience. They made me feel better about my decision. They said the first 5 days are the roughest, and getting the drain tube removed also is a relief. My nurse told me as soon as I'd noticed less drainage or frequency of emptying it, I could make an appt to get it taken out (which I'm doing locally).
My husband and youngest went with me. They stayed in the Holiday Inn way down by 5th, with East Benefis being on 26th. We had some car trouble that first night, so they couldn't come and see me until the next day after their initial visit with me post op. That was really hard. But we got it resolved and they came as soon as they could.
That pre op diet was so hard. It is good not to be hungry after surgery. Sips of medicine and liquids, and I'm not feeling any desire for anything. I haven't started any protein shakes, perhaps today. I did start taking my bariatric vitamins. I had to get my BP med switched, as I couldn't take the extended release crushed. They stayed within the same "family" of drugs and a I just have a little pill to crush. They gave me 2 weeks worth, but I may see if my primary will just switch it permanately so I don't have to try to swallow the extended release (they're huge).
I am still pretty swollen through my abdomen and belly, so I don't notice any changes yet.
I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks for all the well wishes. I hope only the best for everyone else about to begin this journey.
Congrats to you!! Welcome to the "losers side". Best wishes for a smooth and fast recovery!!!
Total Loss To Date: -262lbs
Accept responsibility for your choices and actions.
Believe that you're worth the time and the effort.
Commit and don't quit until your dreams come true.
Hey Sunnyinmontana!! a big huge WAY TO GO!!! you are awesome, although I bet you aren't feeling that way right now! YOU DID IT!!
Very proud of you, YOU'RE ON THE LOSING SIDE!!
Keep us posted on your recovery, I want to hear about anything you want to share!
I called BCBS again, and we are still working on getting the paperwork to them, I think it'll be a least a week before I know anything. Still thinking positive!!
Grin and bear it, you're a LOSER!