
Latest info on state employee insurance coverage!!

on 8/9/07 5:44 am - Sheridan, MT
Great News!!  Bariatric Surgery will be covered for 2008!!   All the qualifications so far seem to be pretty standard! Be sure to change to the Traditional Plan of Blue Cross when Open Enrollment starts this fall.  You can see all the info in the Health and Wellness section of the Benefits Bureau, then look under the SEGBAC section, scroll down to bottom and check out the State of Montana Bariatric Benefit!  I'm running to my Dr. with this!!  I'm going to allow myself to get kinda excited about this, it's been a long 7 years!   Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need any help!   Diane
(deactivated member)
on 8/9/07 6:34 am - MT
Thats WONDERFUL!!! You must be getting so excited!!

Best Wishes to you!!!

Felicia =0)
on 8/12/07 12:35 pm - Sheridan, MT
Thanks, Felicia!  Yes, I'm very excited!!  Like I said I've been researching this for 7 years and I've been trying to get this paid by the State for the last three years. It has taken some perserverence, but it looks like it's going to pay off.  I have already started on my six months doc supervised diet and my six months with Why Weight, what a stupid program that is, they have "guidance counselors" to help you with emotional support ,"cheering" if you will, and a website with all this "wonderful, helpful information" on it, the only part of the program that's worth anything is the $300 benefit that helps pay for doctor visits and prescriptions.  Anyway, I guess it's not so stupid if it helps me get to the Losing Side!!  You are looking great, girl, keep up the good work!  Diane
(deactivated member)
on 8/19/07 5:28 am - MT
LOL I bet you are excited. Can you believe its just around the corner for qualifying!! It will be here before you know it. This year is just zipping by! Its crazy!  Keep us posted on how it goes. Wishing you the VERY BEST of luck that all goes smoothly for you here on out! *huggles* Felicia =0)
Carrie B.
on 8/19/07 4:20 am - Miles City, MT
Di: I can not find out what the Why Weight thing is. I have asked at work at they don't know either. Help!!! you have my work email.
on 11/14/07 6:30 am - Helena, MT
"Why Weight ?" is a program available to State employees.  It is contracted through Reliant Behavioral Health.  Contact Employee Benefit services at http://benefits.mt.gov/.

(Pre-op: 5'2", 292/277/148-Highest/at WLS/Current)
kathylovesredsmallcard.jpg picture by lynnca1972
Let God's presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom 
to sing, dance, praise, and love.  It is there for each and every one of us.

on 11/14/07 6:32 am - Helena, MT
Yeah, I guess it's exciting.  They removed a more complete benefit nearly five years ago -precisely two months after I started working for the state.  But this new benefit only pays 25% and you have to select the traditional plan during open enrollment.  No other plan offers the benefit. 

(Pre-op: 5'2", 292/277/148-Highest/at WLS/Current)
kathylovesredsmallcard.jpg picture by lynnca1972
Let God's presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom 
to sing, dance, praise, and love.  It is there for each and every one of us.

on 11/25/07 6:17 am - Sheridan, MT
Hi Kathylovesred!  I am wondering where you got your information, because I understand it to be that the benefit will pay 75% of covered expenses after you meet your deductible and until you meet your out-of-pocket maximum, which is $2500. So I believe this to mean that I will have to pay a maximum  of $2500. PLUS any expenses that are not covered, I'm not sure what these could possibly be.....what are your thoughts?  Diane
(deactivated member)
on 11/28/07 3:15 am - MT
Hi Diane! just wanted to see how the process was going for you!!! The day is getting closer and closer!! Hope all is well!!

Have a super Holiday Season!!
*huggles* mpdwaitingforsantatag-1.gif picture by Felicia647200  
on 11/30/07 3:38 am - Helena, MT
Hey Diane, I guess I was wrong.  I actually called BCBS about it directly and got the word straight from the horse's mouth.  They will pretty much treat it 80/20 - like any other procedure - as long as you use a preferred provider, with a deductible/out of packet max.  So great!  I'm making plans....... Muah-hah-hah!  I want to lose one meee-liiiion pounds!  [or at least it seems like it!  ;-) ] Kathy