I want to have the lapband operation.....
Hi Bobbie...just thought I'd put my nickel worths in...I had the lap band done on 9/11/06, I turned 55 last week and it's the best decision I'd done in quiet awhile. No problems, difficulties...nothing cept slow weight loss! I've lost 25 lbs, had my first fill last friday and yesterday started on REAL FOOD!!! LOL Actually I've gotten reaquainted with some old favorites..cottage cheese, yorgurt & eggs! It's a life change and as long as you're ready..GO FOR IT!!! Best of luck in your decision. Dana

Dear Dana, Thank you for your reply, I am so glad that everything went well for you too. If you don't mind could you tell me how much you weighted and how much the cost was? I heard that your weight is slower coming of this operation, and do you live in Montana too? We just moved here in July. I'm alittle scared, but I know this is something that I need to do so bad. Again thank you so much for answering my post. Hugs Bobbie
Hi Bobbie, I do live in Montana, Dillon actually! I'm staying with my sister in Texas. My weighin weight was 237 in August at the first Dr's appointment. I came all the way to Texas to use my Medicare as they require a facility to be a "center of excellence" and there were none in Montana for me to go to. The weight is slower coming off is true, but it's a life changing step so "baby steps" for me is the way to go. At my last appointment I weighed in at 25 lbs lighter! That was 6 weeks post op. I'm glad I chose this way to go all tho the gastric bypass is more dramatic I wanted a solution for the next 50 years!!! lol I also moved to Montana a year ago from Colorado so I guess we're "kindered spirits"!!! lol Keep in touch! Dana

Hello Bobbie,
I live in Kalispell. I was banded on 5/26/06. It's been 6 months and I've lost 52 pounds. I've had no complications but know people who have. One think I've learned is that the band is only a tool to help you. You still have to watch what you eat. Cookies, cake etc... go through my band no problem, so I know I have to have control and eat wisely. Somedays I can eat chicken and other times I can't. I can't eat until about 11:00 am. So I have a carnation breakfast drink for breakfast. I have no regrets and am glad I had the surgery. But I really encourage anyone considering the surgery to do their research. I was banded outside of the US and the only Dr. in MT who would see me and do my fills is Dr. Roeher in Great Falls. Best of Luck. Feel free to email anytime.