I just wanna shout to the roof tops
I just want to dance nakid in the street.
I broke 190 and I can not sit still any longer. 15 weeks post op and I can not believe that I am here today. I can not believe that I survived. that I lived and that I am going to do more than just exist from now on. -3.93 lbs per week average (.07 lbs less than doctor demanded). the stalls are just that, stalls, they do not predict the overall outcome.
I rode my bike with my family for 5 miles yesterday and while I was huffing and puffing, I was able to do it in 40 minutes. my 6 year old is so patient with me, he can go faster, my husband has to ride 30 miles before I start to take the 'fire' out of him so that he can 'stand' how slow I go (10.8 miles per hour highest speed) but they are patient with me and keep me company.
I am so grateful for all the support here, even with differing view points, you guys are SUPPORTIVE and my best cheerleaders. hugs.
Kat [Photographer & Mom of 5]
[[ Some people are like slinkies, they don't really have a purpose, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.]]