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LaGina donation raffle prize, matching earrings not pictured. Custom fitted for the winner. Please donate - Thank you.
Gift 2. A Cordless screw gun kit Valued at over $ 100.00 or a home depot gift card valued at $ 100.00
Gift 3. A custom made quilt for a baby or child valued at between $150 -$ 300. “I will donate a quilt for the raffle....Thier choice, baby or child size, thier choice of colors. Valued at 150-300$ depending upon size. ” color choices within reason -- see sample:
Gift 4. A jewlery set valued at $50.00, I am crying, Ya'll are wonderful
Donations can be made via paypal at : [email protected]
Or mail at Tammy Spitchley c/o Legina, 103 Blaine St Richland, MS 39218
LeGina’s story:,messageboard/action, replies/board_id,5463/cat_id,5063/topic_id,3391181/