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Topic: RE: What are you thankful for?
I know you want him/her to wait a while longer---and hopefully s(he) will...but as a word, my sister's baby came 5 weeks early, and he was fine--no problems at all. You're almost to the point of no return...where the baby will come out and do fine no matter what. :) just have your bags packed and ready to go. haha. and everything set at home. (and you may be put on bedrest before you're ready!!!) good luck, denise!
Topic: RE: What are you thankful for?
What an insightful post! You're right--the news is so full of tragedy. I was talking to my husband today about how awful the world is becoming. He tends to be rather pessimistic, so he fed into my statements. Thanks for reminding me that some of us need to remain optimistic so the world will keep going 'round!
I'm thankful for my family. I'm also thankful for my friends. I'm blessed enough that I've had a good job and saved so I can stay home for a little while. :) and thankfully I work in a profession (nursing) where it won't be hard for me to find a job. It may not be just what I want, but finding work isn't difficult.
Most of all, I'm thankful to have a healthy child and husband. My dad's illness and death last fall, my grandparents being ill and now I have a couple of good friends who have been diagnosed with's so hard to remain peppy and happy....but I'm so very thankful that we have health. There are some poor souls suffering right now.
I need to thank God more and more for the blessings He's given me.
Topic: RE: Protein Bars
Those are wonderful I keep some in my purse at all times in case my blood sugar crashes. Glad you found some that you like!
Topic: RE: I'm finally post-op!!!!!
Hi Melissa! Thank you. I did get to a meeting about 2 months ago, but have missed the last two because of work. I enjoyed listening to everyone's stories and got a lot of good info. I hope to be able to get there next time. I heard today that I will go to the pre-op class at Keesler sometime in November and surgery date will probably be in December. Seems like so far away, but I know it will be here in no time. It will be the best Christmas present ever! When I get the actual date, I will shout it from the rooftop ,lol. It's good to know I have support so close by. Talk to you later. Again thanks. Terry
Topic: RE: I have been in the hospital
Hey Amy this is Leslie I am sorry to hear about your trip to the hospital. I hope all is well for you. I did post on here so maybe I can get some help. I hope to talk with you soon.
Topic: I NEED some help!!!
I haven't been on in a while. I was on medicaid and was havng a problem getting a doctor to help me. But now thatnk god I will have insurance in 60 days. I am want all my ducks in a row so when it is good Ii can be good to go. I need names of doctors, I need help on getting my journal together showing I have tried everything, and I need support!!! My husband is against this, but I need it for me and our 2 young girls. Anyone who can help or just offer support please help me!!!!!!!
Topic: RE: Come one come all!!!
Mind you mean we have toi have a mind on here............ Great to see you last night had a great meeting hope to make the cookout on the 29th.
Topic: RE: Come one come all!!!
WHAT!? You can't read my mind? GEESH....
Ok.... Saturday the 29th at 3:00pm
See ya there!

Topic: RE: LeGina update from daughter
This is a repost from TammyS that she posted on the vertical sleeve board - this will explain about who she is and what happened - This post is about a week or 2 old, and she was doing lots better, but now back on vent....
To bring everyone up to date...LeGina is a super nice lady that I met on the Mississippi board. She is a very large lady that is unable to walk due to her size. She has been confined to her room for three years. That's when her husband left. She was admitted to the hospital a few weeks ago to have surgery to remove a large 134 pannus, (tummy skin) so that she may be able to walk. She is trying very hard to get to a weight to where it is safe for her to have WLS. She has worked really hard to loose weight on her own too. She made it through surgery and was doing well until Sunday (about 3 weeks ago) when she had a severe bleeding issue. Her nurse said she has had in excess of 25 units of blood and had to be put on a ventilator. The nurse said she has lost count of the actual amount of blood that they have infused, she personally stopped counting at 25 units. Her husband came back for the 1st time while she was in the hospital and has refused to leave her side until yesterday morning when he dissapeared. When he left, her laptop that is her lifeline to the outside world has also dissapeared. She has no family at the hospital with her now and there is only so much I and a few others from the Mississippi board can do since we only know each other from OH and we are not family. She has family but they are a good distance away and unable to be here. I feel sure there is a financial issue there. I will be talking to my sunday school class and church to see what we can do to try to get her a new laptop. I know one of the ladies on the Mississippi board is going to talk to her church too. Please pray that between all of us that we will be able to raise the money for a laptop or something. At this time she is heavily sedated and still on a ventilator. She does not know her husband has gone again nor that her laptop is gone. I know she will be heartbroken.