So I'm unemployed...
Yep, I got the ol' heave ho on Friday. Not to worry though. I was only working for insurance which I can keep via COBRA at least until I get thin enough for normal medical insurance. Be that as it may....
I was wondering when we could plan a Jackson (perhaps the whole state) lunch get together? I'd love, love, LOVE to meet you people.
What do you say? Think we can arrange it?
Hey Meg,
I too am unemployed at this time. I kept my Cobra basically so I could keep taking my medication and have Lap Band surgery while I was between jobs.
After you sign up for your Cobra check to see it they will pay for your surgery. I know you said before they would not but maybe something will change with the cobra.
It gets frustrating because I need a job but I need to have surgery before I take a new job so I don't have to go thru new Insurance (that might not pay) and ask for time off.
Hang in there girl!
I totally feel your pain! I have been two years trying to find insurance that will pay for what has become life saving surgery for me. My family is pretty much convinced that the reason I was release from work is because they found out that I was trying for WLS. I know I qualify for COBRA and to the best of my knowledge, COBRA can't change the coverage just like I can't change who is covered, i.e., I have to keep my son on the insurance instead of getting CHIPS for him.
I'm really blessed that I am covered financially for the next few years. I paid a dear price for that but it does give me a chance to get myself together without the constant worry of where mortgage, food, lights, etc. is coming from.
Cindi, *WE* can get through all this. There is soooo much support on this board for us. The Queen herself talked me down one evening. Praise glory that she thought to send me her telephone number! Talk about a blessing.
Rhonda, I will work on this. Maybe I can help with the already planned get together. I'll post an email and see what I can do to help.
We have been trying to get together every six months with everyone on here at a mutual location. Last June it was in Hattiesburg and in October it was in Morton. It is about time for someone to plan another one. I know they have a luncheon planned for July 15, with Cheryl, she will be here from Hong Kong, check with her and she can fill you in on the details of that one. I won't be able to attend that one as it is the day that my boss is getting married.(I might better attend that
) I would love to plan one for down here but there just is not enough hotels and things to house many people. Maybe we can get another one planned for Hattiesburg in the near future. It was hot hot hot when we had it last year but the location was great, there was a zoo and the kids really enjoyed that! We may want to wait until September to plan an outside event unless it is near water. It is just too hot for some people to be outside. There are a lot of new members that I would love to meet and still some of the other members that I have yet to meet not to mention the ones that I have met but only get to see at these get togethers. I am going to try to come up to Hattiesburg either on a Friday afternoon or for the day on Saturday soon to see everyone in that area. We will have to work on a plan for another big bash maybe in September/October time frame. I know most people have really busy summers with the kids being out of school and stuff. If you find yourself near the coast, feel free to contact me, I am always willing to meet new friends.
It dosen't seem fair that you had to pay the ultimate price to be financially stable for a few years to come.
What the Employers and Insurures don't seem to realize it that when you pay that price or know of others who have been through what you have been through and you just want your health back they could try to understand and get of the corporate pocket book.
Like you said we will get through this together and I can't wait to meet the wonderful people on this board. I will try to come wherever there is a get together.
Like Rhonda said we have had two of those statewide invited get togethers. One in Hattiesburg and one in Morton. And they both turned out really great. Christine and myself with the help of some others planned the one we had in Hattiesburg, and Arlies, Sandra, Rhonda, and Crystal M. did the planning and activities for the one in Morton. So, if you need any ideas or help just give one of us a ring. I would love to come to another get together. I love seeing everybody I have met before plus all of the new ones. We have so many new folks that have joined us lately and that is so exciting. I can't wait to meet some of them.
Sorry to hear about your job. But even though expensive the COBRA does allow you to keep your insurance. So that is good at least.
Talk to ya later,