feeling down
Hey everybody,
I'm feeling a little down.
I will be 4wks post op on Monday and I have only lost 20lbs. I walking 2 miles in the am and 2 in the pm. I'm drinking my fluids, but struggling on protien. Am I doing something wrong? I am really getting discouraged. So please just pray for me to be successful on this journey and that I can stay focused. I hope that this doesn't sound petty, but I was just expecting a little more lost than this.
Thanks, Sheri.

Dont feel down, you are simply just having a battle with your body! It is fighting to keep the weight and you are trying to lose it. Do as much protein as you can, but don't stress about it. The weight will come off, mine was slow at first but then I had pretty big drops too later on. Gradually by a year out, you will be looking great, Rome wasnt built in a day and you did not gain all your weight at one whop either, just stick to your diet and eat sensibly, exercise and keep your eye on the goal! By the way, 20 pound is almost 2 dress sizes!!! LOL!!!!