I have contacted several surgeons and recently only had a reply from North Mississippi Medical Center. They had to check out my tricare before they would make an appointment. Wellllllllll --- Bekky called today and informed me that the tricare standard we have will cover the hospital portion as it was a tricare provider BUT the doctor visits, etc., were not covered and I'd have to pay out of pocket approximately 3150.00

IF I could afford to spit out that amount of money I would be ahead in a lot of arenas in my life. I am just wondering if we switched to Tricare Prime (an upgrade), if the amount of monies on my part would decrease.
I am also contacting Keesler asap; from what I understand they are not going to be in full operation until October.
The only other place I tried to contact was Central Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson. Lori was suppose to fax me important information LAST WEEK and it failed to arrive ...

I suppose I will try, try and try again!!!
Anyone with information, suggestion, etc., don't hesitate to email me.
God bless you all,
Wanda Mack