Keep Lifting Me Up
Hello Everyone,
I wanted to thank all of you again for your thoughts and prayers. They mean everything.
This weekend I took my national boards. Sitting in that desk for four hours was really almost more than I could bear. But----- Thank God that is over. One less thing on my mind.
I am still struggling with the protein intake and the water intake. Man 100oz. of water is alot. But I am trying. Now the protien is a different matter. I just don't think I can take another of those protien shakes. YUK!
Joyce I saw your suggestion of an alternative. I am going to try that as soon as I can get to GNC.
Well, I am at work so I must go . Everyone have a blessed Day.
Love, Dyan

hi dyan, boy i can RELATE to the protein shakes, i don't drink a lot of water, my nutritionist told me liquid can be anything that turns to liquid, like s/f jello, popcicles, i tried carb freedom vanilla ice cream, 8 ozs of reduced fat milk has about 8 or 9 grms of protein, but i do drink water and crystal light, no sugar added 100% grape juice. some said they liked s/f ff choc pudding with choc protein mixed in. i will try that today. good luck