Your biggest OMG moment after surgery!
I thought it would be fun for everyone to post their most wonderful moment since having surgery!
For me, it was the day that I went to the store and was able to put a size medium belt around my waist, and it FIT. Also, put on a pair of skinny jeans and my thighs did not rub togather!
Also, I have enjoyed the reaction of people I haven't seen in a long time, the best will be when I see my family who haven't seen me since my surgery last fall. It is gonna be a gas!!!!!!!!

Mine is a two parter different times. First was when I was asked to do advertising with the Kimmers for The hospital I had the surgery done at. The other was when I could buy my clothes at walmart and not have to go to a speciality store to get blue jeans and the diff in price from $50 to $14 made me
Very good queation thery Ms Cheryl I have to chuckle everytime I see one of your posts. My wifees name before we got married was Sheryl Lee so I dont guess I will forget your name any time soon. LOL.

We have been getting season tickets to the Southern Miss football games since we moved here in 1997. We have had the same seats and the same people around us every year that we have gotten to know. Well, the first ball game I went to after losing all of my weight the wives of the people we sit around wouldn't give me the time of day or anything. Well, my daughter who was a toddler at the time got bored and I had to leave the game early. After I left, the women asked John what happened to he and I. Did we get a divorce? He says that was Melissa that just left. They all died laughing because they thought he had ditched me for this little bitty home wrecker. That is why they wouldn't talk to me. I thought that was hilarious. That was a WOW moment for me to know I had changed so much people didn't even know me. We still laugh about that.
well i'm only four months out, so i haven't reached the big time goals yet!! But I guess my first wow moment was after losing about 60 lbs someone snapped a photo of me at work. When they came back in, I didn't have a doubble chin anymore!!! I was so excited. Now I'm ready for another photo!! Its also fun to run into people who don't know you had the surgery and they try to figure out whats different. Every body says "Did you get your hair cut" You want to grab thema nd shake them and say " I'VE LOST 109LBS YOU IDIOT!!!" But you just smile and laugh!!
Brandi 410/301/180