Everyone cross your fingers, I start my liquid diet tomorrow. I have it all planed. I have already taken my self off of sodas. (WOW what a headace) So, I hope the rest will be a piece of cake*so to speak!*
Good luck with that. The 1st 3 days are the hardest. And if you've ever low-carbed it, it is very similar with the headaches and the withdrawals. You may even find out that your "hunger" is mental and not physical. Congrats!
Way to go, I started mineFriday, Sept 12 and I just drink all day and I'm fine. My dh just tell's me when he is going to cook or eat and I go into our libary so I don't smell it and watch T.V. there lol. I'm doing great and with his continued help I will succeed. Good Luck and GOD BLESS
I am now in say 3 of my liquid diet. I think I will be okay, however, being home all day yesterday almost broke me lol. When I am at work I have other things to keep my mind off of food so I will be good to go from here. How did your weekend go??