Good Morning!

LAP RNY 7/7/06
Highest Current Goal
292 157 140
"I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength" Philippians 4:13
Everybody at the office is talking about the Category 3 Hurricane that should hit us by Monday / Tuesday. They are all filling up their gas tanks and buying bottled waters. I'm not sure if I consider them paranoid or safe. . . I will definitely put gas in the car later this afternoon though. Just in case.
~ Tammy
~ Tammy Starr
And I would love my staight hair if weren't so flat in all this humid weather!
When I was explaining RNY to my son last night and telling him why I had to eat a lot of protein each day, I told him one of the reasons for eating that protein was so I wouldn't lose my hair....I wish ya'll could have seen his eyes! I'd be willing to bet my paycheck he has googled all sorts of stuff today!
I didn't take my normal walk today at lunch....I got a manicure instead....sure beats smoking all those cigarettes I used to smoke at lunch. Gotta love it.
LAP RNY 7/7/06
Highest Current Goal
292 157 140
"I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength" Philippians 4:13
I just wish I had some curls to straighten. LOL. My hair is so baby fine and straight. So, it is extra hard to do anything with it on a wet day.
Hope you have a great day! I am still sick. So, I am out the door to the doctor's office to hopefully get me an antibiotic to get rid of this sinus mess. My little girl has it now also. So, I am hauling her to the doctor too.