Is there still a support group on the coast?">" width="234" height="60" border="0" alt=", an easier way to buy and sell.">
My name is Ynes and I had my surgery at Keesler April 2005. Ia a retired reservist and military dependent wife. I weighed 298 when I got the surgery and now weigh 150. I have too many negative people around me that are trying to sabbotage my success on a daily basis. Rhonda was so hel[ful in keeping you focused on long term results and the importance of life learning skills. I'd love to be a part of the support group there and help in any way I can to get it started again How can I get in Contact with you. Are they doing plastic surgery at keesler? Is there anyway I can meet with you at keesler to see who we need to get in contact with to start it? Rhonda was great and always well informed she nwill be missed. I hope to hear from you. Respectfully Ynes