Turned Down By Dr...What Next?
I'm so sorry to hear of your dilemma. First and foremost, though, look closely at your situation. I'm just offering some opinions, not saying any of this is right or wrong. :) First of all, did you have to have a psych evaluation or was this just between you and your surgeon?
As a nurse, there is one statement that you made me cringe. "I want my pain gone." That along with the fact that you are taking pain meds regularly (and I realize that you're using them 'as needed' but you're taking them on a regular basis..and not just some every few months or so) but as a health care provider, that signals chronic pain. And someone with chronic pain and statements like "I want my pain gone" send signals that further investigation may be needed prior to any surgical procedure. Your surgeon may think you're doing this to rid yourself of chronic back pain. True, it could be aggravated by your excess weight--but there may be other issues going on and you may still have back pain and need pain meds for your back once weight is off. Please don't get frustrated with me. I just saw that no one's responded and I wanted to offer some sort of ideas/insight. ??? I dunno, I'm just trying to throw some ideas around. I would definitely either call back and get details on why he feels that you aren't a candidate. He should have some criteria that you have or have not met--and if you have that information you could decide if you need to just go somewhere else or if you need to re-evaluate having WLS at all. Different surgeons have different criteria...but I would think seriously about the entire situation if I was turned down by a surgeon. Do you have documentation of trying to lose weight before? I know you said your PCP was supportive. Maybe a letter from him would be beneficial? Good luck. I will tell you that the Jackson area has several surgeons--and they all have different criteria...but it may be worth it for another opinion. mary