Our July meeting wil be on the 23rd at 7pm at the Pepsi Plant. Our speaker(if nothing comes up for him) will be Dr.Miller, plastic surgeon. Remember that we will also have a clothing exchange every month. So if you want to clean out your closets and drawers and pass things on to our members just bring them with you. As always, if you have any questions/concerns give me a call @ (228)547-3915. Cheryl
Wish you could be here too.. We miss you!! No new yet on surgery, but I've done my Pysh & Nutrition appt's done and got approval from both, so now I'm just waiting for the call.. I called the clinic the other day and asked if he had started doing the surgery yet and he hasn't. They just got a new Bariatric Nurse, so they are working on training her I guess.. So hopefully I'll hear something soon.. I'll let you know how things go..
How are things going in Georgia? Hope everything is going well!