asking for prayers for my brother
Hi. I know most of you may not know or remember me cuz I've been MIA, but I've come to ask for you to pray for my brother.
He just found out that he may have Bell's Palsey but it got worse & the neurologist says it's Guillain-Barre Syndrome. They think it's a mild case but it sounds very serious. It started as a numbness on one side of his face. Now its both sides. He can't shut his eyes completely & his speech is now messed up from not being able to move his lips (you know what I mean). He was told to start puree'ing his food & taking protien shakes, Boost, etc cuz he has a hard time chewing. He could lose his ability to even swallow if it gets worse. I feel SO bad for him. I can't stand him being sick. He works so hard for his family. He is married & has 4 little girls ages 7,5 & 2yr old twins). His 5 yr old has Down's syndrome & is already a leukemia survivor. The twins were a surprise & came early. They are healthy though. My brother has a weight problem & ha d started weigh****chers & was checking into Gastric bypass since his dr. recommended it. He had the flu last month & had pneumonia for 2 wks & is just gotten over it when thi**** him. He's been put off work for 1 1/2 wks until we see what's happening. Glenda, you may know him. He works at Walmart too. Anyway, I'm worried & sad. Not knowing what's gonna happen is worse. Please pray for him & the family. Email me at [email protected] if anyone wants to. I have problems getting here as often as I should.
As far as my progress goes I'm almost 9 months out & lost 74#s. I went from a 22 to a size 12. I'm losing slow but thats ok. Thanks Ya'll!
Thanks ya'll.
Melissa, I've been wanting to go & something is always coming up. My 8 yr old started softball & she may have a game that night but I'll see if someone can take her & watch my other 2 so me & DH can come. I miss seeing ya'll.
More news about my brother. He's scheduled to have a spinal tap next week & results from his MRI should be back then too. Another name for his illness is Acute inflammatory polyneuropathy . Here is an explanation about it
Thanks again ya'll.