detox start
Today is Tuesday, meant to start on Monday, but it's hard to want to.....Getting rid of JUNK FOOD today!!! No sugar, no chips - nothing but natural foods, no processed or over processed foods.....just fish, chicken, meat, fresh or frozen veggies that I cook, fruits even, 100% whole wheat or whole grain...I know I will feel better for doing this, heck, I feel better already, had some leftover cabbage/greenbean/onion/deer sausage casserole this morning....
Uh oh, I guess that means more exercise and more water !!! Ha - actually looking forward to this now. Been so sluggish and tired lately. I miss the energy that goes with the "healthy" lifestyle.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. I am so proud of all of you who are making these changes and living the life! Anybody struggling, just get in some exercise (brisk walking is still the best) and water - those are great places to start. Those things help you want to make more changes....
Love you guys - have a great day!
Good luck on your detox. It is tough. I feel so great when I am eating right and exercising. You would think that would be motivation enough to never return to bad habits and such, but that is just not the case. I have to pay attention at all times and never let my guard down, or before I know it my addiction and compulsive behavior around food tries to rear its ugly head. Once that ugly head is out, it is hard to squa**** back down again. The exercise seems to be key for me. When I got so busy at my old job and didn't make time to exercise that is when I found I did so badly with my eating. Now that I am in my new job and back in the gym 4 to 5 days per week working out really hard, I find I just seem to automatically make better choices. And I have felt so wonderful these last few months back in the gym and eating good. So, stick with it, and good luck. If you need support or a good smack on the head just come on here, and we will help ya out.
Love ya girl,
Hey girl ! - I just tried to call you, about 8:15-8:30, hubby said you were asleep...Hope you are getting some good rest. Wanted to borrow that capri outfit that I thought might be too big by summer for friday/this weekend....
I know - I have to really get all the sugar out of my house - I did have to run an errand today and just did not take any money with me, or I would have probably stopped for a snack as that is a big habit for me lately when I am driving....So, having no money seems to help - ha - that and keeping those Adkins protein bars and the South Beach Diet bars seems to help.
We may be going to Batesville (MIL) this weekend, maybe next weekend gym....